chapter 5 - the hickey

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The boys and I were on our way to the movies. I ended up sitting on Austin's lap because there was no room. This was the first time in a while i wasn't wearing long sleaves. I was nervous that someone would point them out. I didn't even want Austin to know. Alex was the only person. When my mom found out, it's like she didn't even care. She was too busy. She just sent me to Dr.Messo, the old guy that smelt like feet. He didn't know shit. He just perscribed pills and sent me home.

We arrived at the movies and we walked up to the counter. Austin bought my ticket for me. He grabbed my hand and led me to my seat. I sat inbetween Zach and Austin. Austin reached for my hand but it would reveal my scars. He grew inpatient and grabbed my hand. He saw my arm and looked at me. I looked down.

"I'm sorry" I wispered.

"No, I'm sorry."

I gave him a soft kiss. I didn't even care about my scars. I trusted that he wouldn't judge me.

After the movie we went to Alex's house. We were all down in the basement.

"Pizza?" Alex asked.

"YES" everyone yelled simoltaniously.

Austin put his hand on my thigh and I looked up at him.

"Can we talk? In private?"


"Yeah." I said standing.

We walked into Alex's room and sat on the bed.

"Okay. If were going to date I want to know more about you."

"Ask away." I said hesitantly.

"Why do you cut yourself?"

"Nothing goes right. I'm lost. I have no one there for me."

He didn't say anything. He looked sad.

"Well you have me now. I will always be there."

"Thank you. That means a lot."

He stared into my eyes.

"Anything else?"

"Why are you always at Alex's? Like he would always say that you were here."

"Well if my parents got a little crazy I would stay here."

"Do you usually have a problem like that?"

"Yeah.. They're just- I don't know."

"What do you mean?"

"All in due time."

"Why can't you tell me?"

"I will eventually."

"Why not now?"

"I have to make sure I can trust you. Alex is really the only one who knows."

"Promise you will tell me? If you trust me? Which you can."


He pulled me into a hug. we sat there for a while just hugging. It felt nice that someone cared so much. It was different. A big change.

"Here." Alex said handing Austin and I a cup.

"What is this?" Austin asked.

"It's vodka. Drink up bub." I smirked taking a long swig out of my cup.

"Well." Austin said smiling and taking a small drink.

After we all sat talking and drinking I was buzzed as was everyone else.

I turned to Austin who was staring at me biting his lip.

"What?" I slurred.

"S-So beautiful."

"Okay. Enough for you." I laughed trying to take his cup.

"Come. Follow me." He said setting the cup of the table.

He helped me up and we both swayed. The boys didn't notice we left.

Austin sat me on Alex's bed and plopped down next to me.

"K-Keller you're beautiful."

"Thank you Austin. You're beautiful too."

"Hah you're funny too." he giggled.

I blushed.

"C-can I kiss you?" He said with suductive eyes.

I didn't amswer. I just leaned in.

The kiss was slow but passionate.

He slowly moved the kiss to my jawline. I bit my lip to keep from moaning. He then sucked on my neck. I couldn't fight it any more. A moan escaped my lips.

I felt him smirk on my neck.

He pulled away and looked in my eyes.

"Damn." I said giggling.

"I gave you a little bit of a hickey." he said clenching his jaw with a apologetic look.

I jumped up and looked in Alex's mirror.

"Little?" I laughed.

He smiled satisfied.

We curled up together in Alex's bed.

I ended up sleeping at Alex's because I wasn't going to go home after a night of drinking. And a hickey. Jesus Christ.


The next morning I woke up with my head on Austin's stomach. I slowly stood up and walked down stairs. No one was awake. I saw a note on the table from Alex's mom. She went away on business so Alex was all alone for two weeks.

I decided to make coffee.

"Morning babe."

I've never been called that before.


He held my waist as I made the coffee.

"Last night was fun." he said smiling.

"I know. Most fun I had in a while."

"Are you okay? Do you need to talk about anything?"

"No but you will be the first person I will talk to though."

He just smiled and kissed me slowly.

I'll Love You at Your Darkest Moments. (Austin Mahone Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now