chapter 28 - alone

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*three months later*

Austin is now 18. We moved into a house on South Beach together. Alex and the rest of the crew bought an apartment down the street so we see them everyday. I got a job as a dance instructor and I do all of Austin's choreography, as in shows and music videos. Austin is starting his own headlining tour tomorrow and I can only go to some of them because I work. I've started doing a bit of singing on my own. I make YouTube videos. As in comedy, dance videos, singing videos, and vlogs.

As of right now I'm making family dinner which is every Sunday. Alex, Zach, Robert, Austin, and I all sit down at our home and catch up.

"Hey babe do you need any help?"
"No I'm done. Come and get it!"

Within seconds the boys came running into the dining room like wild animals.

"Whose saying grace?" Alex pipped up.

"I did last week. It's Austin's turn." Zach answered.

We all joined hands.

"Dear Lord thank you so much for everything you've done for us. We are so blessed. Amen."

"Amen." we said in unison.

After dinner the boys went home and I was helping Austin finish packing.

"I can't believe you cant come with me for my first show.." he said grabbing a bunch of beanies and stuffing them in his bag.
"I know babe. I'm sorry. I'll be with you soon." I said pulling the beanies out and placing them in the bag nicely
"A week isn't soon."
"You won't even realize that I'm not there, you'll be so busy."
"Trust me I'll notice."
"You will have your crew with you."
"I can't fuck my crew."
"Well. You can. But ya know." I said jokingly
"Your sacrasm is noted and not appreciated."
"You love me." I smiled.
"You bet your ass I do." he said before kissing me.

The next morning I got to drive Austin's Range for the first time because I was taking them to the airport.

"Okay now just be easy on the gas." Austin coached from the passenger seat.
"Austin! I've had my licence longer then you have!"
"But... my car." he said petting the dash.
"I know how to drive! Relax!"
"Yeah Austin shut up. I'm trying to sleep! Its 4 am." Alex snapped.
"Sorry sorry."

We were there kinda early so we went to a little restaurant in the airport. Austin pulled out my chair and I sat down.

"Aren't you going to pull my chair out sugar lips." Alex said with false flirting in his tone.
"Oh my fault baby let me get it." Austin said pulling out his chair.
"Gaaaaay." Zach cooed as Robert and I died from laughter.

"Last call for flight 74 to California." a voice bellowed over the intercom.
"Yo Meezy thats us." Zach said giving Austin's arm a light slap
"NO!" he said with a tone of sadness.
"C'mon bud we gotta go." Alex said standing up.

Austin turned to me and kissed me hard.

"C'mon baby. You have to go. I'll see you soon." I said rubbing his back.

I didn't want to cry in front of him. He wouldn't have gotten on the plane if he thought I wouldn't be okay without him.

The boys all hugged me tight and walked towards there gate.

Austin turned and gave me one last sad glare. I mouthed 'I love you' and he mouthed 'I love you more.' I just shook my head and smiled. He walked towards the gate and I stayed until he was out of site.

I started to walk toward the car.


I turned to see 5 girls running towards me.

"Hey guys." I said fighting back tears.

After we took pictures I wondered to Austin's car. When I got in I took a deep breath. His cologne lingered in the air.

I rested my head on the stearing wheel releasing loud sobs.

Yes I miss him.

I'll Love You at Your Darkest Moments. (Austin Mahone Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now