chapter 16 - party

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The thought pained me. I glanced down to see my razor and picked it up.

No Keller. You're doing so well.

But no one wants you here.

Austin does.

I put down the razor. You have to resist. What they say is just them trying to bring you down. Austin makes you happy. Don't end it.

I shut the light off and walked into the bedroom. My phone was lit up.

Austin texted me.

"Meet us at a party?"


"When ever were heading to the condo to change and pick you up if you're down."


"Yay! See you soon!"

"Bye freak."


I walked to the closet and scanned for an outfit. I decided to wear my black skirt with a floral crop tank and black heals.

I put some light make up on. I heard keys and the door swing open. I walked out to see the boys fumbling around and Austin ran over to me.

"H-h-hey baby." he said pulling me close.

His breath reeked of alcohol and weed. I winced.

"You're looking hot babe."

"Thanks? Are you guys drunk?"

They all busted out laughing.

"You're so funny Carly." Alex said between laughs.

"What are you baked too?"

"It's fun you should try it." Zach laughed

"That's gross."

Austin pulled me aside.

"Babe are you okay with this?" he slurred.

"I mean I don't like the smoking but what's done is done."

"I'm sorry. The guys wanted me to try it. I promise, never again.."

"Good. So are we going or what?"


I drove because they were too messed up.

We arrived to the party. Austin and the guys were sobered up.

"Hold my hand." Austin commanded.


"These guys need to know you're mine."

"You're such a freak."

I took his hand as he guided me in.




"Back off fuckers." He said nudging a few guys.

The party was fun. Austin talked to a lot of people I didn't know. I made my way over to the kitchen to get something to drink.

When I walked in I noticed a girl with blonde hair standing in the corner looking down at her shoes awkwardly. She was wearing a white crop top dark wash shorts and white vans. When she saw he she half smiled. She was really pretty.

"Hi." she said softly.


"You're Keller right? The one dating Austin?"

"Yes." I said cautiously.

"I'm Bella."

"nice to meet you."

"you too. so do you know Cara?"

"I don't think so."

"Well she likes Austin and she said if you were here tonight she was going to fight you."

I started to laugh.

"You can't be serious?"

"I hate to say it but I am. She thinks you're using him."

"Why does everybody keep saying that?"

Just as the words came out of my mouth Bella and I were startled by everybody shouting.

I wasn't interested until I heard,


I knew Alex's voice anywhere.

Bella looked at me and we both ran through the door.

I saw Austin and another guy fighting on the floor. Austin was really hurting this guy. It scared me. His eye was red and his nose and lip were bleeding. The other guy was really bad though.

Alex and Zach pulled Austin off of the guy and I ran to him.

"What are you doing."

He was so mad he was shaking.

I took his hand and pulled him into the bathroom.

"What happened?"

no answer.



"Tell me or I'm leaving."

blank stare.


"wait." He grabbed my hand.

I looked at him. He looked so angry. But hurt.

"That guy. That asshole. He said you were a bitch and I'm just the pretty boy that uses you and when I told him to back off he pushed me and said I wasn't going to do anything about it. He pushed me again so I hit him and than he hit me a few times than I lost it."

"Aw baby."

"I'm sorry momma." he said hugging me tightly.

"Let me clean you up."

I cleaned his face and he turned and looked in the mirror.

"ew my eye."

"that little shit messed up that beautiful face."

He giggled.

We walked out and Alex came rushing towards us.

"Keller." he said nervously.


"Cara is looking for you."


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