chapter 30 - Mahone the newest convict?

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The next few days were pretty rough. Austin and I didn't really talk unless you counted subliminal tweeting.

Sub tweet after sub tweet.

Drama just brewed.

"@AustinMahone: I miss you but I don't want to."
"@kellerfranco: you know I trust you but one media stretched event happens and you lose it."
"@AustinMahone: I'm jealous because I care."
"@kellerfranco: show me you care by trusting me."

This went on for days...

Today the boys were coming home. We had arranged over brief texts that I was picking them up. All I had to do was pull up and they would be waiting outside. I just agreed.

When I pulled up I got out to greet everyone.

Austin smiled and gave me a tight hug.. I could tell he was still upset. Alex and the rest of the boys showed more excitement to see me then Austin did.

Austin sat in the back with all the other boys.

"Someone sit up here I'm not your fucking driver."

No one moved.

"I got you Keller." Alex said jumping out of the car.

I expected Austin but I guess he is still mad.

We dropped the boys off at there apartment and Austin sat in the passenger seat on his phone.

"So are we just going to ignore each other or do we want to fix it?" I said breaking the silence.
"I don't know." he mumbled.
"Austin. Stop. You know damn well I love you more then anything. If you're going to listen to the paps over me, then we need to rethink what were doing here."
"Keller I love you but I just feel betrayed."
"Why? It was a hug. It's not like I was kissing him or all over him."

He shrugged.

"I don't even know what to say anymore. I've apologized. I've done everything but get on my fucking knees and beg for your forgiveness. Can you at least explain why you're so bent out of shape about this?"
"You were laughing with another guy."
"Burn me at the fucking stake." I snapped turning off the car getting out.

"Keller wait." he said getting out.
"No Austin. You know what? I trust you more the I trust myself. Shit. I love you more then I love myself and if you don't even trust me enough to have other guy friends, then this isn't a fair relationship."

I could hear clicking of cameras and people started to crowd around our driveway.

Austin grabbed his bags and ushered me into the house.

"Okay Keller. I love you. More then you think. That's why it hurt so bad to see you with him."
"Austin... You should take my word when I say HE IS JUST A FRIEND"

He looked at the ground and then up at me.

"I'm sorry." he stuttered.
"I'm sorry too."

We hugged for a long time.

"I'm going to pick up pizza. I'll be back soon." Austin said excitedly.
"Okay babe love you."
"Love you too."

Austin had been gone for awhile. My phone started to ring and it was a 305 number so I answered.

"Um, yes is this Keller Franco?"
"This is she."
"Hello Keller this is Sheriff John with the Miami Dade Police Department. We have Mr....Mahoney (from the background ""It's Mahone"") I mean Mahone here. You're going to have to bail him out."
"He was arrested???? For what?"
"I can't say at the moment. We just need you to get here as soon as possible."

"I'm on my way."


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