chapter 32 - not guilty

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Austin's kiss got harder and faster. He walked me towards the bed never once breaking the kiss. As soon as we got close enough to the bed I pushed him onto it.

"That's enough for tonight." I said with a smirk.

He looked at me dumbfounded.


"You got arrested. You're not getting rewarded."

"That's not fair."

"Austin. There is a chance you're going to get arrested.. No booty for you."


*skipping to tuesday's court date*

"Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth?"

"I do." I stuttered.

I sat down and looked at Austin who was in an all black suit with a red tie. He gave me a small smile. I just nodded.

"What kind of person is Austin?" the judge asked.

"He's a kind soul. He wouldn't hurt a fly if he didn't have a reason. As in self defence." I answered.

"What about Mr.Vinny?"

"Um. We are co-workers. I haven't none him very long."

"Vinny had said in his statement you met for lunch last week?"

"That is correct."

"So you were friends?"

"Not close but yes."

"And you say Austin wouldn't do anything unless provoked. Correct?"

"Yes. Ahh correct."

"No further questions. Thank you."

The jury came back in after consulting what was to be done with Austin.

The head Jur stood up.

"Referring to Keller's testimony and lack of evidence we have decided that Austin Mahone is not guilty."

"Alright Mr.Mahone you're free to go but if I so much as hear you getting into any trouble I will not hesitate to throw your ass in a cell. You hear me?" the judge spat.

"Yes sir."

"And as for you Keller, stay out of trouble or you'll be in a cell as well." he scolded

I nodded.

As we walked to the car Austin held my hand softly. We didn't say much. We were processing what could have happened. Austin open the door for me and shut it softly.

"In celebration of me not getting arrested the boys want to take me out for the night. If that okay with you?" Austin asked.

"Why would I care?"

"Well because last time you threatened to beat me."

"That's because you smoked."

He was silent.

"I mean if you at least tell me I won't be mad. Don't hide it from me."

"It's not like I'm a pot head. I just take a few hits."

"I just want to be in the loop."

"I'm sorry babe."

"Don't be."

Austin was in our room getting ready still when the boys arrived.

"Well damn don't you all look fine." I said with a false flirt

They all posed.

"Well thank you. You don't look too bad yourself." Alex winked.

"Oh yeah me and my sweat pants and messy bun. Let me tell you." I said sarcastically.

"Actually those are my sweat pants." Austin said patting my ass.

He was wearing a black button down and a brownish blazer.

"Well have fun boys."

"Oh we will."

I pulled Alex to the side.

"The judge told Austin that if he gets caught doing anything bad he will arrest him. So-"

"Keller.. I got this." He inturupted.

"Just.. Just take care of my idiot."

"I will."

They left. Left me to worry.

I'll Love You at Your Darkest Moments. (Austin Mahone Fan Fiction)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat