Leaving Fairy Tail

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*This is my first Fairy Tail story so I hope you enjoy it*

(*Lucy's POV*)

I'm Lucy Heartfillia and I'm 15 years old. I joined Fairy tail about a year ago and made lots of great friends. I'm in team Natsu and they keep me company when I need it. Of course, that all changed when Lisanna, Mira and Elfman's sister, came back from Edolas. Natsu and the other guild mates totally ignored me and payed more attention to Lisanna. I didn't mind at first, but it got to the point where I was practically invisible to them. The only true friends that didn't ignore me were Gajeel,Levy, Wendy, Laxus, Mira, the exceeds, and Erza.

"Hey Lucy," I turned around and saw Natsu. It was a surprise because he hardly talked to me after Lisanna's return. A smile started to sneak it way onto my face. He's finally talking to me.

"Hey" I greeted back.

"Um...I've been thinking that Lisanna should join our group and since 5 is a lot,... you're out." He said.

"Oh I understand" I answered blankly. I mean at else should I say? If I whined, I'd end up looking clingy and pathetic. Just before I left, I walked up to Natsu and slapped him. After that I went to masters office. I can't handle this shit anymore.

"What is it child ?" Master asked with concern as soon as I entered the room.

"Im leaving the guild." I tried saying while holding my tears back.

"I see" he said dissapointely. He mumbled some things and as soon as he finished, the guild mark faded. I teared up as I hugged master. He hugged me back and with that I left. Now what do I do? Join another guild? I signed and just walked through the forest.  On my way there, I saw a big figure. I walked closer to get a better look. When I did, I saw a beautiful silver dragon. After admiring the dragon, I started to feel a bit scared. I mean it's a dragon for crying out loud! This thing could eat me whole!

"Oh my what do we have here. A human ."  The dragon said while glancing at me. It can talk... I was walking backwards to escape but the dragon spoke again.

"Don't be afraid dear child ." It said in a polite voice. It sounded like female.

"W-who are you?" I stuttered.

" I am Blaze the elemental dragon." The dragon replied. A what dragon?

"And who might you be?" She said looking down at me.

"I'm Lucy Heartfilia ." I answered nervously. Please don't attack me...

"Would you like to get stronger?" She asked. It was hard to believe, but I nodded.

"Ok, then climb on my back ." I summoned all my courage and climbed on Blaze. She started flying towards a portal that opened out of thin air.

"Where are we going?" I asked curiously.

"To the dragons realm." The what?!

*time skip 2 years later bc we all know what she does*

I got back from my training and my hair now was silver with light blue high lights. I learned every dragon slayer magic there is with igneel, metalicana, Skaidrum, Weisslogia, Grandeeney, etc. I also learned lost magic and have the ability to increase my magic power. I keep it to 30% for now, but if I raise it to 50%, mostly weak mages will faint. I also learned dark magic from acnologia. They each gave me their keys so I can summon them. With all that Blaze gave me a portal key. I also got a special exceed like Natsu, Wendy, and Gajeel's. Her name is Stardust because she was violet and had stars around her right eye and her tail. I raised the portal key and said,

"Open portal to Sabortooth!" I yelled and a blue portal appeared. I went through it and was at the door of Sabertooth. I had finally made my decision on where I would go after leaving Fairy Tail. I mean what's better than seeing their faces after I join the rival guild?

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