Three ex-Faries and an Exceed

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(*Sting's POV*)

Its been about 2 months now ever since Lucy challenged Fairy Tails team. Weirdly enough, every time I'm around her I feel calm and notice how she's so beaut- wait what! Does this mean what I think it means?! Have I fallen for her?! Let's just not think about this! Anyways, the GMG is coming up in 3 months and all of us are getting ready.

(*Lucy's POV*)

"As all you know the Grand Magic Games are coming up and we have already chosen the people that are participating." Minerva announced. I don't know why but I seem to be staring at Sting lately.

"OK for team 1 are me, Lucy, Rufus, Orga, and ..." Just before she finished, 3 hooded people walked in. I walked over to them to see who they were. One was wearing a light blue cloak, the other wore a red one, and the last one wore a navy blue one.

"Who might you be?" I asked them.

"Don't remember old guild mates?" 'Huh' I was confused just standing there glaring at them. Then they took their hoodies off and everyone was shocked as to who they were.

"Erza,Wendy,and Juvia?" I said shocked.

"Nice to see you again Lucy." Erza spoke.

"What're you guys doing here?!" I asked in still in shock.

"Gray-sama doesn't pay attention to Juvia and ignores her." Juvia sadly says.

"And me and Wendy are getting tired of how Natsu braggs about how he didn't miss you and all." Erza replied as she rolled her eyes.

"Oh is that so. Well then wanna join?" I asked with a bright smile on my face.

"Yessir!" they happily answered in an usion. I walked them to the master and told him these ex - fairies would join.

"Are they strong?" He asked looking at the three of them.

"Of course they are and plus I'll train them."

"Fine, they're in."

"Yay!" They squealed. I smiled and walked over to Yukino.

"Hey Yukino, can I see the guild stamp."

"Sure, here ya go." She handed me the stamp and I went to Erza first.

"What color and where Erza?"

"I would like it in light blue and on my left side of my stomach." I then stamped it and went over to Juvia.

"Juvia would like it on her on her left leg in blue."

"What about you Wendy?"

"Um... Um..."

"Hurry up Wendy. I would like mine on my back in pink please." Carla said.

"Oh I know! I want it on my right shoulder in red." Wendy finally said. I grabbed them and dragged them to the stage.

"Listen up!" I yelled and the guild went silent.

"These are the new members from Fairy Tail." Everyone greeted them and I asked Minerva if I could set up the teams.

"Sure, let's see what you've got." She said giving me a thumbs up.

"Ok, the first team is me, Minerva, Wendy, Orga, and Ruffus. The second team is Erza, Sting, Rouge, Dobengal, and Juvia."

"Ok, now all of you train you have 3 months." Minerva added.

"You guys wanna train with me?" I asked Erza, Juvia, and Wendy along with Carla.

"Crystal!" I turned and saw Stardust flying towards me.

"Who's that?" Wendy asked.

"That's my exceed Stardust." I smiled hugging Stardust.

"Oh hey guys we got another exceed!" Stardust yelled to Lector and Froch. They came running towards me and looked at Carla.

"Who is she?" Lector asked me.

"She's Carla, Carla this is Lector and Froch."

"Hi" all three of them said. Carla didn't look amused though.

"Well let's go train. Open portal to Fiore mountain." We went through the portal and started to train. Before I was a about to close the portal, I heard Sting yell that he was coming to train with us. Rogue followed behind Sting, and with that we started our training.

(*sorry if I spelled anything wrong.*)

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