Part 1

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Felix p.o.v
I saw how Oscar was flirting with our Foooers, of course we do this everyday, but this is different. It looks like he like that girl. She was alone here, or Omar and Ogge was with the others. He strooke a hair look behind her ear and got a big happy smile on his face. I'm not sure why I care, but it's hard to see him with that girl. I started to ran away from them, I just ran away. I ran all I could until I was on the bus station. After that I sat on the bus and went home.

I do not understand why I acted like that, he is Oscar and of course he loves all his fans, I also love my fans. What is happening with me? I don't feel good. I open the door to my house "Are you home already?" I looked at my mom who stood in front of me "Yeah." She quickly saw that I cried "But love, what happened?" She hugged me and I just stood there and cried on her shoulder, I cried and cried, my tears would not stop. "Felix, what's going on?" She asked again "I don't know. I don't know what is happening with me." More tears fell down my cheeks. Why do I feel this bad?

I woke up the day after and felt just as bad as the day before. "Felix?" I could hear my mom scream "Yeah?" I answered her "Oscar is here now." I sight. Not him now. Before I even knew it he knocked on my door. I put my blanket over my head and answer that he could come inside. I could hear the door open and close before he sat down on the end of my bed "Felix?" Oscar's lovely voice asked me "Mhmm!?" I just answered "Can you take away the blanket?" He asked and I did as he said.

"Why did you just walked away yesterday? You didn't even say bye or anything?" I sigh "I don't know?! I.." he nodded so I should keep talking, but I lift the blanket over my head again "Ogge told me something yesterday." I carefully looked at him over my blanket "What did he say?" He smiled "He said that you probably was jealous of that Foooer girl, but that's not true?!" I looked away from him, it's the truth....

This is the first part of my foscar fanfic, I really hope you will like it and will keep reading.
As you probably see, I'm not the best to write in english, but that's not the point. I learn all the english I can from myself, so I'm not the best.
I hope you will still read my fanfic even if I'm good in english or not.

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