Part 17

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Felix's p.o.v
I walked down the street damn I miss Oscar, but this is for our Foooers so I can't do anything with it. I walked up to the house and knocked on the door, I could hear some girl voice's talked about me inside the house before the door open "Hel...Felix?!" The curly haird girl looked almost in shock at me "Vendela?" I asked and she nodded slowly "Wha....whe....who...whe...wha..." a few meaningless words streamed out of her mouth while her friends stood beside her in shock. I laughed a little bit of her "Hai." Before I understood what happened Vendela fainted "Shit!" I sat down and tried my best to wake her up "Can you go and get a glas of water?" I asked one of the other girls and she nodded before she ran away "Vendela? Do you hear me? Vendela?" I clapped her chin carefully. I shooke a little bit in her to see if it worked "Vendela. Do you hear me?" I said a little bit louder and she slowly started to wake up "Here you go!" The girl gived me the glas of water "Vendela. Drink this." I let the glas up to her lips and she slowly started to drink a little bit. Well. This just happened the way I wanted it to. Kill my foooers....For hells shake no!

We went inside the house and I soon understood that the other girls was named Linn and Nova. I also got to know that they had a sleep over together "Is it ok that I am here with you? This is a girl night for you." "For sure you can be here!" I looked at Nova "Sure?" She nodded desperatly, I just laughed a little bit of her. God Foooers is so damn cute and amazing in every way. "Can I get a picture with us all?" I asked them. I wanna remember them and this day, this is the day I understand how much we actually means for our fans and it makes me happy to see. "Yeah!" They sat down beside me and we took a bunsh of pictures "Can we..." Linn cut herself of and looked away "What?" I asked her, but she shooke her head "Linn. Pleaseeee?" I looked at her with my famous puppyface "Can we see you know..." she blushed a little bit and looked down "What?" She smiled to me "I actually just wanted to watch a movie." I laughed a little bit of the whole situation.

I sat in the midle of the sofa with my arms around Linn and Nova and Vendela lay with her head on my lap and kind of over Nova. I like sitting here with tree foooers and take care of them. "Girls?" They looked at over me "Is it ok if I post a picture of us on Instagram?" They looked at each other and nodded to me, I laughed a little bit and they paused the movie before I went on Instagram. We looked trough the pictures and choice together the one where we all did random faces and I sat with Vendela and Linn in my arms and Nova stood behind us with her arms around down to my breast and her head beside mine on the right side. "What do I write?" I looked at them "Something romantic." I looked down at Vendela "Hmm. Romantic." I thinked a little bit about it and wrote down.

A girl night with this bae's. This will be fun❤

"What about this?" I showed them the text "Yeah. It looks good." I smiled and posted it before we watced the rest of the movie. It was a good movie. Named 'House at the End of the Street' I also got to know the girls better and they showed me their Instagram accounts, some messages with other Foooers and so much more. Now I understand what we actually have done for our fans, what they do in their spare time and so much more. I can't belive that they got best friends from the other side of the world because of us, they use times and moneys to meet each other and love each other and all this because of us. I just can't belive it. This make me so happy and want to keep doing this. Just for them. To make them happy.

Go follow 'linnspammm' (Linn), 'thefooo_is_bae_edits' (Vendela) and 'novasandman' (Nova) on Instagram.

This is the last post like this. But later one more Foooer will be visited. But that is later in the fanfic. Hehe

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