Part 5

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Felix p.o.v
What just happend? He kissed me and walked away? I just walked out to the others "I think I'm done here for today." I said with tears in my eyes and took my jacket and walked out "Felix!" The Foooers scream and I quickly wrapped away my tears "Hey." I said and hugged the first girl I saw. I hugged her tight and lay my head down on her shoulder. I need this hug so badly, I just stood there so long I could before she pulled me away "Do you want a Photo?" I asked and she nodded happy. She open her phone and I saw a picture of me on the lockscreen "Hey, it's me!" She smiled to me and nodded before I took her phone and took some pictures "May I kiss your cheek?" She asked shy "Sure!" I said with a big smile and lean a little bit down so she could kiss my cheek and I took a picture of it before I walked over to the next. I really need this now, to be here with my fans.

I went home and went into my bathroom and did my all day night rutine before I went to bed. I picked up my phone and send a text to Oscar.

From me:
I'm sorry for what happend today. It's okay to forget it if you want to. It was a big mistake. I am so sorry Oscar.

He didn't even answer me, but I know that he read it because it showed up. I just sight, what am I going to do If I lose him? I can't do that. I sight and walked downstairs and took a glas and fild it up with appel juice before I checked my phone, No answer. I sight and put the glas in the dishwasher and wrote a new message.

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