Part 23

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Oscar's p.o.v
After singing It's time to make a wish done I saw how cold she was. I took off my jacket and put it around her. "What are you guys doing here?" She asked and tried to get worm while stroke her hands upp and down her arms. "Wanted to visit you before we are going home tomorrow!" Omar told her and lay his arms around her to make her warm. "Me? Seriously?" I nodded to her with a little smile. I could hear Felix let his fingers play at the guitar and I smiled before we started a new song. "Oooooh, yeah yeah Jimi back, Jimi back, Jimi back, party like we gon' bring." we song and I smiled to her. She stood there with a big smile and put her arms around herselvs to keep warm. I hate see Foooers like this, cold, frozen and is going to be sick, just because of us. They use every minute they have to try to meet us, no matter what. They is there even if it's a snow storm, rain storm, storm or summer and nice. They are always there for and with us.

"Shall we go inside? So you don't get sick?" Ogge aksed her and she nodded before they walked inside "Nice done sexy." Felix whispered and kissed my cheek before he smack my ass. I just soke my head. He is so cute, I'm happy that I am with him. Nothing can break my love for him. He is so crazy, adorable, lovely, nice, random and so much more. I am happy that I come out and we found each other. He is 50% of me. Without him, I'm not myself. I'm Nothing without Felix. My one and only true love. I smiled for myself and walked after him inside.

We sat down in her sofa "So how are you?" Omar asked her with a little smile "Trying to not die, but without that. I'm pretty good!" I laughed a little bit "Don't die." She smiled to me "I'm trying not to." I smiled to her "Can I ask you something Oscar?" She said after a little while "Yeah sure?" She stand up and so do I before we walked after her into a kitchen "What is it?" I asked with a little smile "I don't know how to aske this. But is Foscar real? Like. Actually real?" I half open my mouth in shock. What am I going to do now? What am I going to say? "What do you mean? Like he is my boyfriend?" I put on a flase laugh at the end so I probably got away with that. "Yeah?" Damn it girl. I bit my underlip and looked down. What am I going to say now?

I am SO sorry for posting this part now, but I didn't get time before. Sorry.
Anyway. What do you think Oscar will say? Or do?
Tell me. I would love to know

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