Part 24

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Tonje's p.o.v
"Would you like it?" I nodded to him with a smile "Foscar is life!" He smiled to me "Good!" I raised an eyebrow "Yeah. Foscar is real. Felix is my boyfriend!" I could feel how my heart melted "Are you serious?" He nodded to me and blushed a little bit "My gosh. This is just....goals!" I coumd feel how my body was shaking, my tears start to build up in my eyes, my heart beat faster and my hands was warmed up. I ship them so hard and I just want to fangirl so hard right now. "I can't!" My tears just started to stream down "What's wrong?" He looked up at me almost worried "I ship Foscar so damn hard. You guys are literally relationship goals on point that is totally on fleek!" He laughed a little bit and I could see he blushed "Do you really think so?" He looked a little bit up at me "Foscar is life!" He smiled to me.

Felix's p.o.v
Tonje and Oscar walked into us and Oscar sat down beside me. When they was and talked Omar and Ogge almost attacked me. I don't think they like the idea that Oscar and I found each other and fell in love. They asked so many questions about me, us, them, the band and everything. What if this doesn't work? I could feel Oscar's hand on my lap and how he strooke it up and down. He let his other hand on my cheek and kissed me "I missed you." He whispered. I backed away and looked at the boys who looked mad at me and at Tonje who had tears in her eyes. What just happend? What will Tonje think about this? Shit. Why did he kiss me infront her? "It's okey Felix. She know about us!" I looked at Tonje who smiled from ear to ear "You two are goals!" She wipped away a tear "I know it's weird, but can I get a Foscar kissing photo? It would be goals to have as a background on my phone!" I laughed a little bit "Sure." I smiled and took Oscar's hand and drag him up from the sofa. If we are going to do this, we are going to do it big!

I faced him and let my hand strooke his cheek and smiled to him. He is so beautiful. I grabbed his head with my big hands and leaned down with a little smile "I love you!" I whispered and let my lips meet his. Oscar let his arms around my hips and kissed me back. I could feel the flash, but I didn't care. He is my everything and kissing him make it explode inside me, it's like fireworks, all emotions are tingling inside me. He makes me feel real, he gives me happiness and love. I looked at him and smiled "I love you too!" He whispered to me, I strooke his cheek and kissed it. "OH MY GONDESS. YOU TWO ARE SO DAMN CUTE!" I looken at Tonje with a little smile "Thank you." I wrinkled my nose a little bit. "So. How did you guys found it out?" I smiled and we started to tell her about what happend also so Omar and Ogge could understand.

"This is the best day of my life. The Fooo Conspiracy play music for me, visit me, is here for me and Foscar is real. I just wanna cry so much!" Ogge smiled and lay his arm around her "Don't cry love. The day is not over yet." She raised an eyebrow "Do you play any instruments?" She looked at Omar and nodded slowly "I play piano. Not so nice, but why?" I smiled to her "We wanted to make a new mash-up. And we want you to be in the video with us. If that is okey?" She nodded desperatly "If that is okey?" She looked at each one of us. "Yeah sure!" Ogge said after a while. This is going to be so good.

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