Part 15

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Olly's p.o.v
Natascha's mom let me in to go up to her room. I am so damn nervous, but I look forward to it so much. I saw her bedroom door, it was filled up with posters of me and the boys and on a sign named 'Mrs. Molander' I smiled for myself and knocked on the door "Get away mom! I hate you!" I girl voice screamed. I raised my eyebrows "Natascha?" I asked and open the door a little bit "Who's there?" She asked "Your husband." I smiled for myself. Well, she is mrs. Molander so I guess I'm married with her. I open the door more so I could see her "Oh my fuckings gosh." She ran over to me and I hugged her "When? Where? What? Who? Oh my gosh!" I smiled to her "Was it mom?" I shooke my head "Who?" I smiled to her "We wanted to visit some Foooers who lives far away from us and I choose you." Her smile just grow bigger "But how?" I lift away a hair look from her face "We like to stalk our foooers and got your adress." She hugged me again "What do you want to do? We got the whole day." She looked almost in shock "A whole day with you?" I nodded with a smile "Everything for our foooers." She smiled happy to me.

Natascha and I sat on an restaurant to eat something "What do you like to do in your spear time?" She wrinkled a little bit on her nose "Well. I use the most of my time stalking you, make edits, photoshop and stuff like that." I nodded "Can I see?" She nodded quickly and open her phone before she showed me some pictures "This is really Good." She blushed a little bit "They sucks." She laughed a little bit "No. They are pretty good. You should post them." She raised an eyebrow "I have already done that." I looked down "What's your instagram account then?" I looked up at her "mrs_foooconspiracy" I smiled and took up my phone and started to follow her. I know that we don't use to follow fans, but Natascha is special and I want to do something special for her. "Did you just?" I looked up at her with a smile and nodded to her "Are you trying to kill me or what?" I laughed a little bit for her reaction. Our foooers is so cute.

"What do you want to do now?" I asked her when we went out of the restaurant "Oh. I don't know. What can we do?" I smiled to her "Want to go home? We can watch a movie or something?" She smiled big and nodded "That would be nice." I nodded and we walked down the street and home to Natascha. This day is amazing and I pretty enjoy spending my time with my Foooers "Ogge?" I looked at Natascha "What movie do you want to see?" She gived me the remote control to the Apple TV "I don't know?" I started to swich trough movies and looked up some movies "What about this?" I looked up 'Mindhunters' she read what it was about and nodded slowly "Want to see something else?" She slowly shooke her head "It's okey. I'm here for you." She smiled to me "Come here." I open my arms and she sat down in them "This is going to be nice." I whispered to her.

The movie was good and interesting. Sadly it didn't looked like Natascha liked it "Are you okey?" She looked up at me with perfectly shiney eyes. She is so beautiful, I stroke a hair look away from her face and slowly leaned down and before I knew it my lips was placed on hers. I know this is so wrong, but damn this is so amazing. I grabbed her face and the kiss got more intence. She is so amazing in every damn way. She lean back and cut the kiss before she looked up at me and blushed a little bit. Some tears ran down her cheeks "My gosh. I can't belive that Oscar Olly Molander just kissed me..." She whispered and I wipped away her tears "Shhh. Just kiss me." I whispered to her, She did what I told her to and we end up sitting there, in her sofa, Natascha in my arms and kiss. I think that I am in love with a foooer...
Go follow @mrs_foooconspiracy on Instagram everyone.

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