Part 13

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Felix p.o.v
I walked down to the studio to meet the boys. I can't belive that it's soon a month since Oscar and I started to date. Okey, next week it's a month ago. But it's soon anyway. I walked inside the studio and into there the others was "Hey there." I said and they looked at me "What's wrong?" I could see that everything wasn't like it used to be "They sit out there, so cold and frozen, just for us. We don't do a thing to help them. We need to do something. Now!" I looked at Ogge "What about. We go to the shop, buy some cacao. And later today we go and visit some foooers that live far away from us?" The smiled to me "Yeah, let's do that." I looked at Oscar Who was talking. "We can go to the shop now?" I asked him and he smiled to me "Yeah. Let's do that." He grabbed his jacket before we walked out.

"Finally alone." Oscar took my hand and drag me into a side street. It was dark here and dirty. It was a big container some cardboard boxes and much clutter. I didn't saw much of what was here because Oscar just pushed me up against the wall and started to kiss me, of cource I kissed him back and enjoyed it. I love this type of things, when he take all the comando and he show me that he want me. He kissed my nack and all over my face, before he went back to my lips. I really love him and I wonder when I will tell him that. I need to tell him it as soon as possible. "Felix?" He whispered to me in a sexy voice "Mhmm." I mumbled back and kissed him again "Thank you for all you have done to me." He whispered to me "Even if I hurted you?" He laughed a little bit "Just forget it. I loved it." He blinked to me and kissed be again.

He sat down before he open my jeans and took off my boxers. I need him and I want him. The litteratur the weak wind hit me and gave me a little shiver, but only made me more horny "Do you want me?" Oscar looked up at me and I was about to answer him, but instead he grabbed me before he started to kiss my private parts "Oh Oscar!" I moaned. He licked me up and down before he put me inside his mouth. His warm mouth made me moan even more "Gosh Oscar!" I moaned and he just sucked me harder and harder "Oh...Oscar...Shah..." I moaned and grabbed his hair "So close...Mhh..." I closed my eyes hard and just enjoyed his perfectly job "Fuck. Oscar!" I moaned higher when I come inside his mouth.

We walked inside the studio and started to make some cacao and cutted up the cakes we bought. They are amazing, standing out there all day and everyone loves cake so why not? I walked out with the cacao, Oscar took the cups, Ogge the plates and Omar the cake before we went outside. "Who want cacao?" I asked and hold up the cacao. A few Foooers walked up to us "Here." Oscar said and gived one of them a cup before I fill it up with cacao "Felix?" I looked at the Foooer who was talking "Are Foscar real" I laughed a little bit "Foscar has always being real." I blink to her and filled up the cup to her friend. I hope I didn't say too much now? What if they though I meant we are together and not just friends? I don't hope so. I won't let them know. Yet.

The four next parts will be at the same day, but form different p.o.v's. You will understand it when you read it.

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