Part 16

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Ebba's p.o.v
Ruth and I was home alone and made some home made pizza for the night. I've looked forward to this day, alone with my best friend that I haven't seen in two years now or something. "So how is life?" I looked at Ruth "Life is good. Just the same." She smiled to me "That boyband?" I nodded "The Fooo Conspiracy. They are life." She looked at me in shock "You are a Foooer too?" I nodded "My gosh. I though you was a Mainer or something." I laughed a little bit "The Main Level is good. But The Fooo is life." She nodded to me "Ture." I sat the pizza in the oven "This is going to be so fun!" Ruth open her mouth to answer me, but instead my phone started to call. I looked down at it "Unknown number?" Ruth looked at my phone "Answer. Maybe it's the man of your dreams?" I laughed a little bit of her and answer it "Hello?" I asked "Hey, is it Ebba?" I looked at Ruth who triad to create a message to me with her mouth, but failed in every way "Yeah. Who is this?" I asked him or I think it's a him? With a little laugh "You wouldn't belive me if I told you, but look outside your window." I rased an eyebrow and looked out of the window and there. In front of my house. Was Oscar damn fuckings Enestad.

"Wha-wha-what are y-you doing here?" I asked and looked at him in shock "Who's there?" Ruth asked and walked over to me and saw Oscar "Wanted to visit you. Wanna let me in?" I ran down all the stairs in the apartment and open the door. There he was. Right in front of me. My all time love and idol Oscar Enestad. I ran out to him in just my socks and hugged him "I can't belive you are here in Örebro." He smiled to me "Same. It's so beautiful here." I wrinkled my nose a little bit and smiled to him "What are you doing here?" I looked up at him "Wanted to visit you." He blinked to me and I open my mouth in shock "Really?" He nodded "Really." I walked up the stairs and was about to open the door, but it didn't work "Oscar?" I asked a little embarrassed "I think I just lock us out!" He laughed at me "Aren't you cold?" He took of his jacket and put it over my shoulders "You don't need to." He just smiled to me and nodded "So are we stuck here?" I shooke my head "If Ruth get her ass up and answer the phone we can get inside." I looked at the phone I was holding while I tried to call her "WHAT?" she screamed "We are stuck outside. Open up?" I asked her and I could hear how she laughed at me.

When she finally let us in, Oscar and Ruth sat down in the sofa "I'm gonna cut the pizza so I will be back soon. What do you want to drink?" I asked them "What do you have?" Oscar asked back "Different types of soda, and do you want beer or some other types of alcohol Oscar?" He smiled "I'll drive so I can take some soda if that is okey?" I nodded to him and went into the kitchen. I found some glas and some soda and went out to them again "Is this okay?" I hold up the soda and they nodded to me, I smiled and sat it down before I got the pizza. I really can't belive that Oscar Enestad is here, in my house and I didn't even kidnap him. That's sick. How is this even possible? I could feel the tears in my eyes and that my breath was heavy. Oscar, my all time love is here. I started to shake and the tears streamed down my cheeks. I won't fangirl now, it will probably scare him away and I don't want that to happen. He is finally here.

"Is everything okey?" I could hear Oscar's voice ask and I nodded without even looking at him "Ebba. Look at me." I shooke my head, but he turned me around. I quickly hide my face in my hands, but he just wrapped his arms around me "Shhh. Don't cry love." He stroke his hand up and down my back "This is just stupid." I mumbled "No honey. It's not stupid. Wanna tell me why you are crying?" I looked up at him "I just can't belive that you are here." He smiled to me and wipped away one of my tears. "Ebba. I know this come as a shock for you. But we wanted to be there for our Foooers. You all mean a lot for us and I understood that I was your favorite so I wanted to visit you." I looked up at him "You know that?" He smiled a little bit "Yeah." I blushed a little bit "Come here. Maybe we should eat the pizza before it get cold?" I laughed a little bit and nodded.

After much talk, fun, memories and laugh we looked at a movie and Oscar sat with his arms around us. This is fantastic. This day is fantastic. And I though this day would be a boring day. This is the best day of my whole life!

Go and follow 'ruth.tonnessen' (Ruth) and 'tfc_purple_angel' (Ebba) on Instagram.

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