Part 32

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Felix's p.o.v
"Maybe we can be together. In secret?" Oscar's blue perfect eyes looked into mine and a litte smile was forming on his perfect pink lips "You think that will work?" I lay my hand on his cheek "We have done this before. We just need to be more carefully and tell Tonje to never tell about us. I love you Oscar and I can't lose you again!" He smiled to me and blushed a little bit "I love you too!" He mumbled and kissed me with all love. I've missed him so much, I don't know what I should do without him. "But what If they find it out?" He turned around so he lay on his stomach in the bed "Babe, if they find it out we just have to stand up for ourselvs. Maybe they will respect us now? I won't lose you. I love you too much!" He looked at me with a little smile.

"I am so sorry for braking up with you!" I let my hand back to his nack to play with his nack hair "It's okay. As long as everything is okay with us now and I can call you mine again." He looked at me with tearfull eyes "I broke my all time love!" I let my arms around him and pushed him down to me "Shh babe. It's okay. We are here now, together!" He looked up at me "Why do you forgive me? How can you forgive me? Ogge told me how much I broke you. Why do you still love me?" A little tear fell down his cheek "Oscar. I didn't like that we broke up and it break me down, but I love you so it doesn't matter. I'm just happy that you wanted me back and love me." He looked at me with tearfull eyes "I would never forgive myself If I was you." I smiled to him "Lucky me that you are not me." I placed a kiss on his lips.

"I just don't understand that you can firgive an idiot like me?!" I bit my underlip carefully "Babe?" He looked at me "Can't we just forget this? I love you okey?" He nodded "I love you too!" I smiled. Everytime he say that it feels like a million butterflies explode inside me. I feel so happy and lucky to have him in my life. I am the luckiest boy alive, I have an amazing family, a fandom that loves me no matter what and the worlds best boyfriend. I can't wish for something better. He lean down to me and kissed me softly.

I'm making a new fanfic now with Ogge/Oscar/Olly (Whatever you wanna call him) in, named "My best friend's sister" and I so do wanna write on that one, but I have this one to finish and gosh I'm confused

What do you want?
A pause on this and a start on MBFS? Or do you want me to finish this one first?
Do you want a Q&A to this?
Is it something special you want to happend in this fanfic?

Please tell me. I would love to know :)

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