Part 30

187 18 3

Felix's p.o.v
I slowly walked down stairs and into the kitchen. I haven't being here in weeks. The first thing I did when I got home after the break up was running up stairs and I have being there sinse. I found a box of cola and walked into the livingroom. I sat down and could feel the tears build up again. Why am I so heart broken? I picked up my phone and went into mine and Oscar's conversation. I really want to text him, but I don't know what to write? I could feel my hands started to shake. We need to talk, or I need to talk. I need him, here, with me!

To Oscar:
Hey are you?

I closed my eyes and clicked on the 'send' button. I could feel the panick inside me. Why did I contact him? I know it just will hurt me more. I let a tear fell down my cheek. Maybe I can delite it? I open my phone again and was on my way to delite the message when I saw he was typing. Oh no! I clicked out and saw that a message from Oscar was poping up. What am I going to do now? What if he won't talk to me anymore? With shaky hands and the fear taking over my body I open the message and started to read.

From Oscar:
Hey Felix...
I feel heart broken...
How are you?

I sighed. Heart broken? Why? Who broke him? I let my tears fell down. My babe is broken.

From me:

From Oscar:
Felix I...can I call?

I open my eyes in shock. He want to talk with me? Why?

From me:
Uhm. Sure?!

Right after pressing 'send' a picture of Oscar showed up on my phone. I sighed and pressed answer "H-hello?" I asked with a trembled voice "Felix?" I could hear his lovely hurted voice say. I could see him in front of me, with tears in his eyes and a trembled underlip "Mmh." I mumbled and let my hand run trough my hair "I...I miss you Felix." He mumbled and I stuck the breath in my throat " y-you miss me?" It felt like a rush inside me. The pain I felt for some minutes ago is gone. I feel like the happy, crazy, lucky Felix I've always used to be "I miss you Felix. I don't know what I was thinking about when we broke up." I could hear that he was crying on the other side and it made me cry too. Gosh. I love that dude. I hang up the phone and walked away.

WHERE ARE YOU GOING FELIX? Why did you hang up the phone call? What's going on?

Maybe I post one more part today/tonight If you want? And If I get time (lol)

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