My Brother

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~Steve's POV~

I couldn't believe how last night went, never in my life would I think of doing what I did last night. "Good morning love." I smiled at Serena as she woke. "Good morning babe." She giggled as memories of last night flooded her mind. "Babe, I suggest you block me from that before I take you again." I warned her playfully, tickling her. "Maybe that's what I want Captain." She winked, brining her lips to mine. "Nope, we gotta help the others clean up, plus Tony wanted something and asked all of us to meet in the meeting room at 3." I told her, squeezing her butt a bit, making her sequel and jump slightly because I never do that unless we were 'fonduing'. "Come on, we gotta clean up and go help the others clean up the banquet hall." I told her, picking her up and taking her to the shower with me.

"Finally, we were wondering when you two would show up." Clint said when me and Serena entered the banquet hall. "I'm surprised to see her here, thought she'd be out for a week." Natasha smirked at Serena. Serena glared and flipped her off. 'I don't get it.' I told Serena mentally. 'Pretty much you banged me so hard and I couldn't walk.' She answered, smirking at me. 'That can happen?' I never knew that was possible. 'Yeah, but I heal fast like you so it wouldn't have effected me. Me and you went all night and I'm as good as new babe. Normal humans couldn't have lasted more than 2 hours.' Serena leaned up and gave me a quick peck before going to help Natasha clean up. 

I, along with the other guys, handled the heavy stuff. "I can't believe you and her fondued," Tony said, shivering a bit. "Don't act like you don't do it Tony." I rolled my eyes as I picked up the speakers. "But you're like old, seriously, you're like what? 94?" Tony said, picking up the stands for the speakers. "Technically I'm still 24." I said, taking the speakers to where Tony told me to take them. "But then again, she's 92 so I guess that works out." Tony chuckled. 

After an hour, we finished cleaning up the place. "Alright, up to the meeting room everybody." Tony ushered us up there. "Okay, we are to go after who ever is killing around the streets here. Serena, how do you track and kill a vampire?" Tony looked at Serena as she read about the attacks on her tablet. "Wooden stake to the heart, then you have to burn them. Holy water can burn them. Uhh they can't enter a church. As for tracking, well you can't. You just need bait. And if this is what I think it is then who ever it is will go for the bait. If this vampire we are dealing with a newborn or a half turned, then they are going to act on impulse or instinct. They have no control." Serena answered Tony. "Wait, so you're saying that if I staked you right now and burnt you, you would die?" Clint said as he held his chin. "Me? No, I'm half angel, I can't be harmed by the earth, last time I checked, wood came from trees, which comes from the earth. Fire wouldn't harm me much unless it was fire from hell." Serena glared at Clint. 

"So where are we going to get bait?" Tony asked, leaning back in his chair. "That's easy, we just need a squirrel or two, which I can easily get my hands on." Serena smiled proudly before a frown replaced it, "But, something about this seems fishy. Tony, what are the genders of the victims? The file doesn't say." She asked Tony was a grim look on her face. Tony typed in some things and pictures of girls popped up on the screen. "What other things did they have in common?" Serena asked as her eyes scanned the screen. "Reports say that the had sexual encounters before they died, if its rape or willingly it doesn't say." Tony replied. "Scrap the plan, we're not dealing with some deranged or newborn," Serena bit her bottom lip and gripped the arms on her chair, "We're dealing with my brother." 

The room was quiet for a bit before Tony spoke up, "How do you know it's your brother?" "Because, he only goes for girls, and he tends to have sex with them before hand because when someone's turned on and enjoying it, their blood tends to taste sweeter and more good in a way. I don't know if that's true or not, but that's what I hear." Serena answered, tapping her fingers on the table. "Just test it out with Cap." Tony snickered, earning a glare from my girlfriend. "Okay, okay, so how do we get him then?" Tony held up his hands in the air. "Me. He's after me. So I have to be the bait." Okay, that was not going to fly with me. "No, there has to be some other way, I am not letting you put your life on the line like that." I told her, refusing to let her do something so dangerous. "It's the only way, he's doing this to lure me out. The longer I keep myself hidden, the more people are going to die. I'm doing whether you like it or not." Serena just upped and left after saying that. "Looks like you won't be getting some tonight Capsicle." Tony snickered. 

Sighing, I stood up and left the meeting room to go find Serena. She was at the bar in the living room, drinking some wine. "Baby, please, there has to be some other way." I begged her as I walked up to her. "There isn't Steve. I wish there was, but there isn't. Either I kill him or he kills me." Serena started to cry. I sighed lightly and held her, letting her cry into my chest. "It's okay baby, we're going to make it through this." I told her as I ran my hand through her hair. "How? I don't know if I can kill him... After all, he's my brother. Plus, he's a lot stronger than me." She said in a worried voice, looking up at me with teary eyes. I leaned down and kissed her. "But you have me, the rest of the Avenger, and I'm pretty sure you got more brains then him." I smiled at her. "I love you so much Steve." She leaned up and kissed me. "I love you too Serena."

"My, my, what is this?" Serena tensed up when she heard the voice. I look to my left, where the widows were, and saw some guy with dark brown hair and black eyes. 

"Hello sister." 


Shorter chapter, so sad this story is ending

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