Chapter 1

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Basically how Larry looks in this book or early 2014 Larry. No facial hair. No tattoos either.

Harry's POV

I am Harry Styles and I have a special gift. My mum knew that I was special when I was born.

Here's the thing, there are normal people, and then there are the non-normal people, abnormal, different, rare, unique, minority, special, I am one of those people. We all live together, in one big world. Some people are afraid of us, abnormals, thinking that we could harm, so the normals make the abnormals go to a special  school so we know how not to use our powers.

I have a gift of basically creating fire, I can set anything on fire by just my touch, except water of course, and if I want to, I don't even have to touch anything, I can use my mind. I am also either hot or warm to the touch. Can't control my body temperature yet. So, it's best if no one touches me, it won't burn anything, it will just get really hot.

Having these gifts, or powers as some like to call it, is cool and rare, but they are hard to control. That's why everyone with powers, has to go to this special school as soon as they get their powers.

We are born with these gifts, but they don't come in until later in life, usually around the ages of 8-12. You can also tell when an infant or baby will have powers, their eyes will glow a certain color that is based on their power. For example, my natural eye color is green, then at random, they will glow a fiery red.

I am old enough to control when my eyes will glow, the only time that an abnormal can't control when their eyes glow is when they see something or someone they like. FYI, I am like gay as fúck, sorry not sorry.

I got my powers when I was 9, so my mum immediately sent my to this special school. It was located on an island, the only inhabitants were abnormals. Unless the normals knew of an abnormal, they did know where this island was located, it wasn't even on maps.

There was only two of these schools, because there are not many of us abnormals. This one I go to is called " R.A.R.E" or Readying Abnormal Reaching Era, basically preparing us to live a "normal" life, which I know will never happen, but I guess it can't hurt to try. The other is called "Teaching Uniqueness" or some shít like that, I don't know, it was really cliché.

Enough of that, that was 7 years ago, I am now 16 and I think I am pretty good at controlling my powers. Well, not that good, last week I accidently set a tree on fire, I just touched it because it looked smooth and pretty. It was smooth, you know, before I burned it down. Well, this is my junior year, and I'm just gonna hope that something fun will happen this year.

I have one friend, he is my only friend, as I am his. We met when we first here and have been best friends ever since then. I guess no one could stand how hot I am(hair flip). Pun intended. His name is Zayn and he has the power of telepathy.

Louis' POV

I'm Louis. I have a special gift that makes me control all water, any form, shape or size. I could also freeze it.

I have blue eyes, that glow an ice-y blue when I want them to, or when I see a guy I like. Oh, yeah, I'm gay, forgot to mention that. I am also really cold, not me, but that's how the people around me feel. My skin is naturally cold, due to my gift. So people hardly touch me, they just can't handle that I am cooler than them. Pun intended, I am so funny.

Anyways, I got my power when I was 10 and I am currently 17. I go to a school called "Learning Uniquely", it's a special school for us, "abnormals."

I am switching schools though, along with my best mates Niall and Liam. Niall can turn into any animal, and Liam has telekinesis. We are all juniors and we are alright with controlling our powers, but the teacher at "Learning Uniquely" that the other special school, "R.A.R.E," is where we belong, it's a bit more advanced.

I'm not nervous to go to this other school, I just hope it has some cute guys is all, the ones at my other school were ugly af (as flan). Well, except for Niall and Liam, but they're my bestfriends and I don't like them that way. Another thing, they aren't gay, well at least I don't think they are. They know I am.

Well, time to start packing to get on the next train to R.A.R.E.

AN Yay, they meet next chapter. Sucky chapter, but I try. Give me some feedback, please, I don't know of it sucks or if its good. I dunno, don't be afraid to tell me. Well, bye.

P.S. Sorry if you cannot see the picture on the side/top.

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