Chapter 14

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3rd person POV

Louis and Harry were angry. No, they were furious. Harry was both angry and sad. The babies that he and Louis created were dead, killed. He was mad at Tim for killing them, but said because now his peanut and jellybean are never going to be welcomed into the world. And he and Louis will never be the ones welcoming them.

Louis was mad, disappointed, and sad. Mad at himself for not listening to his instincts about Tim. Mad at Tim for killing his children. Disappointed because he couldn't control Tim, he could've used his powers to freeze the water in Tim's body, or pushed the water away, causing Tim to fly back with the water. But he didn't. But what he doesn't know is that he couldn't. Tim was the Ice king that never died, those millions of years ago.

He merely killed his Fire Queen, faked his death, and laid low. Started a school, to see if there will be any others that shared the Same rare gift that he and the Queen had. Over the thousands of years, he saw about 3 children with the special gifts, not in he Same millennium of course. One girl, with the power of Fire, and two boys with the power of Ice. He killed them all, making it look like an accident.

Then he saw Harry, with the gift of Fire, and did he want to Kill him. But he noticed that Harry was the only boy to ever have the power of Fire. He wanted to study Harry, and he did, for 7 years. He was always watching, and he was going to strike this year. But then Louis came long. That caught Tim's attention, for he had never seen the two rare gifts in the Same generation.

He immediately realized that the two boys were drawn to each other, he thought it interesting. But then he realized that if the two were going to be a couple, Louis would do anything to protect his boyfriend. So he couldn't Kill Harry, and he couldn't Kill Louis.

Then about a month later, Harry was pregnant. Tim figured that if he couldn't Kill the couple, he could Kill the offspring of the two, and he did. But he didn't think that the two would Kill him, well Harry did.

Anyways, Louis was also sad, because who doesn't cry when a loved one dies? Especially your child, but Louis had lost his children. He loved his children dearly, even if they weren't born, he loved them.

Harry and Louis were mad, and they were going to do something about it.

They marched to the other side of the island that the school is not on, and they built. They built a castle. Louis made pillars and walls, and a giant castle with his Ice gift. Harry then threw his Fire in there, coating the ice with his flames. AN think of when Elsa built her castle in Frozen, but scarier. And the Ice doesn't melt with the Fire, because Louis and Harry are special.

Their creation was both beautiful and scary. Harry and Louis had just built a giant castle, so big that it covered half the island. It was bigger than the school, and towered over the mountains that surrounded the island.

At all the commotion that was happening, the students went outside and gasped at the castle that Louis and Harry had just finished building. They were amazed, but scared because no one had ever done something like this.

Seconds later, they see a light, that light being Harry's Fire, but the light came from trees. Harry had burned down, more like disintegrated, the trees, creating a path that lead to the castle.

Once the Fire was put out, by Louis, the students see Louis and Harry walking towards the school, with a evil look on their faces. But they were not evil, they were angry, even angry though, Louis and Harry would not hurt anyone. Other than Tim of course, because they killed him. When the students saw them, they were pushed by Liam, Zayn, and Niall, who forced their way to the front.

The students were so petrified, that they did not move when the two came closer to them.

When they were close enough, Niall had noticed that Louis and Harry we're covered in blood. Harry's shirt was cut down the middle, where his bump was. Wait what? Thought Niall. He kept looking at Harry's stomach, eventually accepting that Harry no longer had a bump. Niall put two and two together, coming to a realization that Louis and Harry had lost their babies.

Zayn looked straight into Harry's eyes. And now he knew everything. He saw Harry's memories and what had just happened to the Fire and Ice couple. He felt bad for them, having just lost their family not too long ago.

And Liam, he was just confused and had absolutely no idea what was going on.

When Louis and Harry got close enough to the three lads, they spoke.

"Follow us," Louis said in a cold tone, as he turned around and created an Ice path with his hands. Liam, Zayn, and Niall just looked at Louis walking, blankly.

"Please," Harry said in a soft, yet intense voice then followed Louis and added some more heat to Louis' path that lead to the castle. The three immediately followed Harry about three minutes later, they we're standing right in front of the castle. And it was certainly bigger up close.

"Come," Harry said as he opened the big front doors. When the three went inside, they weren't really surprised they the inside was even more beautiful than the outside. The inside was already decorated with Louis' Ice and Harry's Fire.

Liam, Zayn, and Niall we're kind of scared, they didn't want to touch Harry's Fire, they could get burned, and they didn't want to touch Louis' Ice with their bare skin, they could get frostbite. So they all just stayed huddled in a group.

After five minutes of awkward silence, Harry and Louis both burst into tears. The three friends forget their fear and rush over to the couple, enveloping them in a hug, making sure not to touch their skin. After their hug, Harry begins to speak.

"Um, we don't have our babies anymore, as you can see," Harry chuckled, but it was forced out of sadness," um, they were killed, taken from us," he says with a hiccup. Louis can sense how sensitive the topic is, so he creates an Ice chair for his boyfriend, and helps him sit down. When Harry's sits down, the chair explodes in flames, but doesn't melt. The flames die down until only a small amount is left.

"Tim was am evil man, he took our babies, and now they are gone, forever," Louis says with a blank face, but you could tell that he is mourning the loss of his and Harry's babies.

"Um, I'd you don't mind me asking," Liam says," where is Tim?"

"He's dead," Zayn answers for Louis.

"And I killed him," Harry speaks up, recovering from his crying session.

"Yeah," Louis agrees.

"Well alrighty then," Niall says, trying to lighten up the mood. And it kind of works.

"So....the castle?" Zayn asks.

"Um. I feel safe. And it was a 'in the moment' kind if thing. But I like it," Harry says.

"You guys can live here, with us, if you'd like. We'd like if you could," Louis says.

And all the guys agree. So now, all five lads are living in a castle that was built in less than half an hour.

"So, what are you planning on calling this castle thing?" Niall asks out if curiosity.

"The Kingdom of Fire & Ice," Louis and Harry respond simultaneously.

AN Lolz what did I just write. Tell me if there are any mistakes and don't forget to check out my other stories. Well, bye.

Ziam or Ziall?

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