Chapter 12

130 11 5

Weeks: 1/20 or 2/40

Harry's POV

"What kind of fúcking question is that?!" I scream at Louis, in pure anger. Right now he's so....ugh.

"I just asked you-"

"Exactly, you asked, who the fúck asks a question like that?!"


"What?" I snap as I cross my arms.

"I asked if you-" Louis tried speaking, but I interrupted him, again.

"Shut up! I am not a whore!"

"What? I didn't even say anything near that! I simply asked if you wanted a banana or a sandwich!" Louis scream as he uses hand motions to express his anger. His face is red and he looks cute when he's mad- wait, what were we talking about?

"Hmm?" I hum.

"What? Are you fúcking kidding me? Are you serious right now?" Louis screams, his face getting redder.

"What were we talking about?" I say with a big smile. I feel so happy right now.

"Harry, shut the fúck up! What the fúck are you even talking about? You know what, just shut up. I can't even stand you right now,"he says as he walks pur of the kitchen. What he said made my smile drop, and it brought tears to my eyes.

"W-Why are y-you mad? I-I don't even r-remember what w-we were talking a-about!" I say as I start to sob, uncontrollably. Louis immediately comes back to comfort me. He pulls me in for a hug, and I sob into his chest.

"Oh, baby, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you cry. Shh, shh, it's OK, I got you. I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry," Louis apologizes.

"No, no, I overreacted. I was um, just...." I try to explain. I take a pause to wipe my tears, and pull away from Louis, so that I could look at him while we speak.

"Come on Love, you could tell me anything, yeah?" Louis assures me.

"I just had a small panic attack, hasn't happened in years. The first time I had one was when I discovered my gift and my mum sent me here," I admit and look down in guilt.

"Hey, that's nothing that you have to be ashamed of. We could work through this right? In case it ever happens again," Louis uses two fingers to lift me up by the chin, so that we're looking straight into each other's eyes. The tornado thingy doesn't happen any more, now that we know how to control that.

"Yeah, OK, thanks,"

"How about we just cuddle on the couch and if you want we could talk about what happened, sound like a plan?" Louis said in a calm voice.

"Yeah, thank you Lou. I Love you," I say as I start to walk over to the couch.

"I Love you too," he says with a smile.


Time jump, cuz I am the author and I do what I want. Please read the AN at the end.

Weeks: 3/20 or 6/40

Principal, Tim, guy has been acting a little strange ever since he told us the news about jellybean and peanut.

Every day, he's been asking me how I feel and if I'm OK, and all that weird shít. It's like he cares, but he probably is just happy and excited that there is a pregnant male student that is going to his school. Yeah, that's it.

"Hey, you alright?" Louis asks from beside me and I nod. I notice him eye my tiny bump a little. Since I am apparently "fúcking skinnier than a fúcking stick," my bump is a little bit more noticeable.

I don't know, I can barely see it, but Louis is so protective of peanut, jellybean, and me. Growling and scowling at anyone he sees looking at me, except for of course Liam, Niall, and Zayn. Sometimes he even scowls at Tim for asking all the questions he asks me. I don't think Louis likes Tim, at all.

He's always putting a hand on me, always touching me, I don't mind, I know he's just protecting me. But he's especially protective when Tim is around.

Which I know is because he doesn't trust Tim and I just don't know why. I perfectly OK with Tim knowing that there are babies inside of me. I mean, he is the one that told us. So yeah, I trust the man.

"So Harry, three weeks, right? How ya holding up?" Zayn asks, he should know, but then again, I guess he respects my private thoughts, so he doesn't read them.

"Good, great actually. Louis says I got a small bump that's forming, but I don't see it," I say looking down at my stomach. And the more I stare at it, I can kind of make out a bump.

"Can we see?" Niall asks, with big eyes.

"Um...Louis?" I ask, I'm perfectly OK with the lads seeing, I'm just not so sure about Louis, these are our friends, but I dunno, protective Daddy Louis.

"Yeah, yeah sure," he says, examining our friends, as if we'd never met. He needs to loosen up a little.

"Yes! I love babies. Can't remember the last time I saw one," Niall says in enthusiasm.

"Yeah, babies are cool," Zayn says.

"Yeah, they're cute," Liam speaks up for the first time since we sat down.

All three of them lean forward, over the table and look at my stomach. They stare long and hard, Niall being the first one to speak.

"Awww! I see it! I see it!" Niall screams in awe. I'm surprised no one has looked our way with Niall screaming like a mad man.

"Oh, I see something," Liam says, pointing at my tummy.

"Yep, that's something alright," Zayn says, in his bad boy attitude, even though I know he's trying his hardest not to coo.

"Yeah, he is," Louis says looking at me.

"Shut up," I playfully hit Louis.

"Whatever, we're practically married," Louis says, playing with his fingers.



"Hi," I smile.

"Whatever, we're gonna be together forever, right?" Louis says, looking at me with a warm smile.

"Even longer,"

AN the feels. Like I felt the feels right there , right there at the end. Anyways, I decided to change it to 5 months, instead of 4, cuz I'm an idiot. Tell me if there are any mistakes, and don't forget to check out my other stories. Well, bye.

Ziam or Ziall?

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