Chapter 13

109 12 13

Big ass time jump because.....plot.

Week: 10/20 or 20/40

Harry's POV

I'm halfway through my pregnancy and my bump has grown drastically. I feel like there is a watermelon under my shirt, but items OK because I know that it is just peanut and jellybean. And knowing that makes me smile and makes me much happier.

Louis has talked to my bump every night and after he finishes talking to it, he kisses it, making my tummy flutter. I'm pretty sure it's the babies getting excited that they get to hear their daddy's voice. AN Don't think wrong you little kinky chumpies.

Zayn, Liam, and Niall have all been admiring my bump for the past weeks, just looking at it or sometimes rubbing it. Now I'm pretty sure that the whole school knows that I'm pregnant, it's kind I hard to hide a bump this big. Speaking of admiring my bump, Tim has gotten more.....observant.

Now Instead of asking me questions everyday in the morning, he does it in the morning and after school; always making sure I'm eating right and getting enough rest. I know Tim is just trying to be helpful, but Louis' hatred for him has grown.

Well that's about the past few weeks summed up.

Now, the present, Louis and I are outside, in the school's garden. It's really pretty, it has all kinds of flowers and butterflies. There has to be about every kind of flowers in this garden, it's just so colorful.

Suddenly, everything freezes. Literally. The flowers become frozen in ice, and all the butterflies' wings have frozen. Everything is coverd in ice, at first I think it's Louis, but there's two reasons it's not him. One, he is holding my hand and the other is on my bump. Two, why would he do that?

"You silly children," I hear a familiar voice say, I look up and my eyes meet Tim's," always so vulnerable, and naive," he says as he slowly walks towards us, twisting a knife between his fingers.

Louis fixes his hands on my bump, and I know it's a reflex for him to always protect me.

In less than a second, Tim has shot ice out of his hands and the force sent Louis flying about 10 feet from where he was previously standing. Then Tim shoots out another spray if ice and has frozen Louis' feet to the ground.

I try to run to Louis, but Tim has other plans and decides to grab me. His arms go around my waist and one hand over my mouth.

"Let him go!" Louis yells from his spot.

"Maybe, but I have to do something real quick," Tim says as he tightens his arm around my waist. Then in one quick motion, I feel a sharp pain in my stomach area. Tim has just stabbed me. He starts dragging the knife down, below my belly button, and I don't really care about the pain I'm experiencing, I'm too worried about my peanut and jellybean.

"Stop it!" Louis sobs out. I'm too shocked to even say anything.

Tim takes something from his back pocket and lodges it in my stomach. He's prevent my stomach from healing itself. I don't know why I'm not doing anything. Oh I know, maybe it's because Tim just stabbed me with some medicine and now I feel numb and weak.

"Ahh, how beautiful," Tim says, smiling down at my open stomach. Then he reaches inside and takes out two.....bags. My babies!! He's asking my babies. But something's wrong, they're not screaming or crying, or even moving.

"How precious, they're dead, looks like my job is done," he says, Once again, smiling.

Tim starts to walk aways, and as soon as he turns around I start to regain feeling in my body. I take out the tongs, it Whatever they were, from my stomach, and it instantly begins to hear.

I don't know what to feel. I feel...sad, but angry. Anger. I'm mad, Tim just killed my babies. And I'm pretty sure Louis is speechless from what he just witnessed.

Out of anger, my hands start to shake, and I form a spear in my hands. All I see is red. Red from blood. Blood from my babies, that Tim just killed.

I throw the spear and it impales Tim's Chest, right where his heart should be. He falls to the ground and yells from pain.

I run over to him and start to yell and I set him on Fire. After a couple of minutes, his body stops moving and it continues to burn, until it's black and crisp.

After that I immediately burst into tears, and run back to Louis, warming up the ice around his feet, setting him free. Louis hugs me tight and I do the Same. We're covered in blood, and bawling our eyes out.

We just lost our children.

I knew something was up with Tim, I just didn't want to admit it, and it cost me my two children. I kept telling myself that he was just helping, and now my two children are gone, because of me.

This changes everything, I am no longer Mr. Nice Guy.

AN I regret Nothing. Fight me. Didn't expect that did you? You probably did. Anyways, tell me if there are any mistakes, and don't forget to check out my other stories. Well, bye.

Ziam or Ziall?

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