Chapter 17

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3rd POV

"Look a bunny!" Louis shouted, so amazed with the small furry creature.

"Let's Kill it!" Yelled Zayn.

"Food!" Niall shouted.

"I got this," Liam said, trying to act Cool. Emphasis trying.

"Finally," Harry sighs.

"No! It's just a small little adorable bunny. I want it," Louis smiles and begs with big, innocent blue orbs.

All the guys look at Louis in disbelief. They have been trying to look for food for at least two hours, and when they finally find food, Louis tries to stop them from eating it. Yeah, no.

Liam, Niall, and Zayn look at how adorable Louis looks, trying to get them to spare the innocent creature. After a while, Harry snaps his fingers and in an instant, the rabbit is engulfed in flames.

"No!" Louis shrieks, but it's too late. The bunny is already cooking and burning alive. Well, until it dies. Because once it dies, it's not alive anymore. Because it's dead. ._.

"Sorry Love, but we're all hungry and we need food," Harry says in sympathy. The other guys are shocked as well, usually Harry would be the one begging Louis not to Kill the bunny and Louis would've wanted to Kill it.

"It's OK. It smells good though," Louis giggles, back to his original self. Harry puts out the flames Once the white, fluffy ball is done cooking.

Liam uses his telekinesis to pick up the cooked animal and just have it float in the air.

"Not to burst your bubble or anything, but we're gonna need more food than just that rabbit," Niall speaks up.

"We can just go to the supermarket," Zayn says, as if it's the most obvious thing to do.

"There's a supermarket?!" Harry yells.

"Well not on the island," Zayn explains," but we can go to the mainland. Louis can build a bridge across the water. Liam can use telekinesis to basically walk on the water. Niall can turn into a bird or something, and fly there. And then Louis, Harry, and I can walk across the bridge, well Louis can either basically fly there or walk on the water. I dunno, you can grab across however you want."

"Why didn't you tell is before?" Niall exclaims.

"I dunno, I wanted to see how well we were at hunting, I guess," Zayn shrugged.

"But it's been so long since any of us have made any contact with a normal human, much less the real world," Louis points out.

"I say we give it a try," Harry encourages.

"I'm in," Liam raises his hand.

"I just want food," Niall huffs.

"Alright, fine," Louis gives in.

"We're still eating the bunny though, right?" Niall says.

"Yeah, OK," Liam says, eying Niall as if he's crazy.


Minutes later, the five lads are at the edge of the island, getting ready to travel pretty far to their destination. The U.K. That's where they assume they're going, because the island is always cold, so they just assumed that they were somewhere north.

"Ready?" Zayn asks. He gets "yeahs" and "yes's" in reply.

"Alright, let's go."

And in less than ten seconds, Niall has turned into a Robin. Liam hesitantly steps onto the water, and sighing in relief when he didn't fall into the ocean. And lastly, Louis uses his gift to freeze the water solid as he walks, creating a single path of frozen Ice.

"S-See? That wasn't that hard," Zayn stutters.

"I'm scared that I'm gonna fall in" Liam says, slowly looking you at Zayn, but not losing concentration.

"I'm already getting tired," Niall chirps. And it's a bit weird, hearing Niall's voice come from a bird. Oh well, they'll get used to it.

"This is easy," Louis says with a big smile.

"Honestly, I didn't think this was possible," Harry admits.

"What? The plan? Same. I didn't think it would actual work," Zayn comments.

"Zayn!" Liam whines.


"You made us go through with a plan that you didn't think was going to work?!"



"Well, it worked, didn't it?"

"Yeah, but-"

"But Nothing, it worked and that's what matters," Zayn interrupts Liam. Liam just huffs and crosses his arms as he continues to walk.

"Guys! Stop arguing! I think I see land!" Niall yells.

"How? Birds have terrible eyesight," Harry asks.

"Niall can change certain parts of his body into whatever animal he wants it to be," Zayn says.

"How'd you know that?" Niall asks, landing on his head.

"I just do. Now get off, you're ruining my hair!" Zayn whines, as he attempts to get Niall of his head.

"Hey, I think I see it, too," Liam says, as he points forward.

"Yay!" Harry yells in excitement.

"About time," Louis sasses.

Before they know it, they're in a supermarket called "Tesco" and they're buying as much food as they can. They have a big home that needs to be filled with food.

They buy all sorts of things, from meats to vegetables to fruits to sweets. And beans, Liam like beans. And bread.

They pay with all the money that they get from their parents. Their parents send then money each week, but they never send letters, they're not allowed to. But getting money from their parents is the closest thing that they have to come to normal human contact.

So being in a building with many normal people is overwhelming, but they boys manage. So what if they boys got a little scared when the cashier told them how much money they owe? It's been seven years! But the lads give the cashier the money, and carry the bags, since Liam can't use his telekinesis in front of normal people.

Once they make it back to the nice bridge, everyone drops the bags they were carrying, and Liam lifts them with his power. And Niall turns back into a bird.

"Can't believe we just did that," Louis laughs.

"I know right? We should do it again," Zayn pats Louis' back.

"That was scary, but I liked the rush it gave me," Harry says quietly, grasping onto Louis' hand.

"I can't Wait to go home and eat," Niall says from the sky.

"Same," Liam agrees.

"Well, let's go home. It's starting to get dark," Louis says, checking his imaginary watch.

"You're an idiot," Harry sighs.

"Thanks. Love ya," Louis says, leaning in.

"Love you too," Harry replies, capturing Louis' lips in his own.

AN M.O.M. is so good. Batman vs Superman. So much shit happening. Tell me if there are any mistakes. Well, bye.

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