Chapter 4

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Harry 's POV

The whole morning was filled with quick glances and small smiles. And every time our eyes met, both of our eyes would glow.

I've never really labeled myself as straight but it wouldn't really matter to me if I wasn't. I'm totally fine with being gay or having a liking for boys.

At least I know that Louis likes me and I know that I like him back.

Are you just going to stare at the kid or are you gonna grow a pair and go talk to him?

Zayn interrupted my thoughts, we were currently sitting at our usual lunch tablet and I was staring at Louis aka the angel sent from above. Crafted by the Gods themselves.

Shut up Zen. As a matter of fact, I'll go talk to him right now, if it'll get you to shut up.

It would very much make me shut up Harry.

I stand up from the table and start heading over to where Louis is sitting. He's not sitting alone, which makes me even more nervous. He's sitting with that Payne and Neil kid. Wait, no it's not Neil, it's Nail, also wrong, whatever I'll just ask Zayn or something.

About halfway there, Louis starts to laugh and giggle at something Neil said, and it is the most adorable thing I have ever heard. It's so cute and light.

Anyways, while I'm being extremely creepy watching Louis laugh he looks up and our eyes meet.

I can already feel my skin getting hotter than it normally is. And my heart beating faster.

I finally get closer to the table and we still haven't broken eye contact. I'm pretty sure his Payne and Neil have noticed our long staring contest.

But I am hated in the world and I accidentally trip over my pigeon feet. I didn't fall, I just stumbled.

"Oops," I say as I regain my balance, knowing that Louis saw that.

"Hi," he says with a genuine smile. This boy will be the death of me. I extend my arm to shake his hand and introduce myself.

"I'm Harry, Harry Styles."

As Louis extends his arm to shake my hand, Payne and Neil start saying something but I don't catch it.

"Wait, no-"


"Louis, Louis Tomlinson." Louis says as his hand glides into mine.

I don't realize until it's too late. I touched him, something I should never do.

"Shit," say as I immediately pull my hand away from his.

"What?" Louis says furrowig his eyebrows and crinkling his nose.

"Are you OK?" I shout.

"What do you mean-" his eyes widen and he suddenly looks concerned" Are you OK?"

"What?" I shoot back.

"Wait, why don't you have frostbite and why are you not freezing and shaking?"

"Wait, why are you not screaming in pain and why does your hand not have 3rd degree burns?"

"What is going on here?!" Neil says, I completely forgot about him and Payne.

"Louis' skin is very cold and Harry's skin is very hot. When you guys shook hands, your temperature's must've mixed and you guys only felt warmness, so no harm was done." Zayn says popping out of no where.

I jump in surprise when I hear his voice. Everyone is quiet and it stays like that for a couple of minutes before Neil talks.

"Cool." I look at Zayn in confusion.

It's Niall. Zayn says probably reading my mind and knowing that I don't know his name.

Pfft, I knew that. I look away and look towards Louis only to have him looking back at me.

Our eyes glow and my temperature starts to rise. Since Louis and I have similar whatevers, I'm guessing that his temperature is starting to drop, plus Niall starts to visibly shake.

While Zayn steps away from me. I get closer to Louis and he starts to stand up from his seat. We're still holding eye contact and it just kind of happened. Next thing I know, we're hugging.

And God does it feel so good to finally tough someone. I miss this. I start to tear you and know Louis is, I already feel some wetness near my shoulder area.

Since Louis is shorter than me, he nuzzles into my neck and squeezes me tight and I do the same.

I haven't touched someone he whole time I have been here, mainly because I don't want to hurt anyone and everyone knows not to touch me.

We both start to sob and just hold each other.

"I haven't touched someone in over 7 years," Louis chokes out.

"Me either," I whisper.

" You guys can stop hugging, now," Payne says, playfully.

"Don't ruin their moment, Liam, they haven't touched a human being in over 7 years," Niall says slapping Liam's arm.

After about 5 more minutes of hugging, Zayn decides to pull us apart, using his jumper that he pulled out of nowhere.

"Alright, you two, we're still I'm school, you can do that later." He then looks at his jumper that is obviously ruined. One side is slightly burned, and by slightly, I mean half the jumper was burned off and the other side, was somehow frozen.

"Great, you guys ruin my jumper, but not the clothes you're wearing."

"Um, was it made of cotton?" Louis asks.

"100% if I can remember," Zayn says looking down at the floor.

"Ah, I can't wear cotton, it'll freeze if I touch it. Don't know why though."

"Same," I say. I really have no idea why Louis and I's gifts do that to cotton.

"Hmm," Zayn says as he walks away to probably throw away his jumper.

Right after he turns around, Louis and I turn to each other stare into eah other's gaze for about 1 second and start hugging each other. It just felt right.

"Aww, Liam, look, it's Larry, I totally ship it." Niall says hitting Liam's chest.

"Aww, come on! Give me a break!" Zayn yells.

Louis and I just hug tighter, enjoying the touch of another human, and of course the feeling of each other.

AN Yes! Larry and the feels. I am touched, by my own words, Lolz. I'm weird. Anyways don't forget to check out my other stories. Well, bye.

P.S. Tell me if there are any mistakes.

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