Chapter 22

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Week: 5/20 or 10/40

"Louis, come look!" Harry shouted from their bedroom. He was currently lying down on the bed, with his orange flamed shirt pulled up to his chest.

Louis was in the kitchen, and although Harry was screaming from the other side of the mansion, he somehow managed to hear his boyfriend.

Louis quickly shoves the cookie he was eating into his mouth and ran straight to their bedroom. He ran fast, faster than he's ever ran before. He could only assume that something was wrong, so he needed to make sure that Harry was OK.

"What? What? Are you OK?!" Louis exclaimed as he burst through the door, expecting Harry to be in pain or something. Instead he was met with the big man child, Harry, rubbing and cooing at his tummy.

"Yeah, I'm fine. But look, you can see some Pudge from our baby. Look, are you looking?" Harry is very anxious and excited about this. His tummy has gotten rounder and firmer. Louis stays silent as Harry pushes his face into the small Pudge.

"Louis? Are you looking? Do you see it?" Louis once again, stays silent. It's not that has ignoring Harry, it's just the he can't really.....see what Harry is talking about.

"Um Harry, I see nothi-" Louis stops mid sentence and squints his eyes to get a better view of Harry's supposed Pudge where their baby is growing.

"What do you see?" Harry asks, curious as to what Louis was going to say before he stopped. Louis keeps focusing and he tries remembering how Harry's tummy looked before he was pregnant.

It takes moments of silence for Louis to finally register the difference of Harry's tummy. Louis widens his eyes in realization, his and Harry's baby is inside of Harry. Growing, and relying on both of them to survive.

"I-I see it!" Louis shouts enthusiastically as he points to Harry's Pudge. "I can see our baby! They're growing inside of you! They're growing...." Louis starts to tear up, and so does Harry. Louis starts getting really happy because of this child that's inside of Harry, and Harry is just happy to have another child, one that has no threat against it.

"Harry, that's our child. Our child." Louis wipes his cheeks to get rid of the tears, and his voice cracks as he speaks.

"Yeah, Lou, our child. One that we made," Harry manages to choke out.

Louis lays his head on Harry's Pudge and starts nuzzling his nose into Harry's stomach.

"What are you doing?" Harry chuckles.

"I'm trying to hug my baby, so that they feel loved." Louis replies, rubbing circles into the round and firm area of Harry's abdomen.

"Our baby will always feel loved, I will make sure of that."

"I already love them so much, and they're not even halfway there. Just 15 more weeks, is all they have to go." Louis sniffles and laughs. He never really knew you could love something, or someone so much and they're not even living in this world.

"15 weeks and we'll be meeting our little boy or girl."

"15 weeks."

AN I'm sorry that it's so short, but I literally did not know what to write. Tell me if there are mistakes and don't forget to check out my other stories. Well, bye.

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