Chapter 16

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AN Just remember that the Fire doesn't melt the Ice because it's Fireproof. 


Surprisingly, Liam, Niall, And Zayn all wanted their rooms next to each other, precisely on the second floor (there were ten floors.)

Zayn was in the middle, Liam on his left, and Niall on his right. And all their rooms were on the right side of the Fire and Ice castle. So the left side of the castle was a pure Ice block with a design on the outside. Of course Louis and Harry will probably build and design many rooms on that side, but for now it's empty.

All the rooms were customized, but similar. Zayn's room had a calm aura to it. There was a bed made of snow in the middle of his room, two bedside tables on other side. A lamp made entirely of Fire, sitting in the right corner of room. On one wall was two windows and a fireplace in the middle. And to top it all off, a giant chandelier in the middle of the ceiling, with Fire where candles should be.

Liam's Room was basically the Same as Zayn's. The only difference was that his room didn't have lamps, just many ceiling lights.

And Niall. Well, his room resembled a kind of playground. There were many snow pillows on the floor, and slabs of ice on the wall, with more snow pillows. And on the very top of these Ice stairs, was a queen-size bed. And Harry made Niall's room glow with his gift.

Liam, Zayn, and Niall started to warm up, and got comfortable with the idea of living in the giant castle with the Fire and Ice couple. Plus the have each other.

"Our turn," Harry whispered Once he and Louis were done with their friends' rooms.

Even though their all friends, Liam, Zayn, and Niall insisted on Louis' and Harry's room being on the opposite side of the castle, so they could have some privacy. And Louis and Harry being the nice friends they are, agreed with the idea.

Louis' and Harry's room wasn't that much different than Liam's and Zayn's. It was just a bit bigger, and it had a larger bed. Along with a bit more of a firey glow because 'the room was too bland' according to Harry. They also added a medium-sized couch because they can.

After the rooms were finished, Harry and Louis needed to create other rooms. Like the kitchen, the bathroom, guest rooms, etc. It didn't take that long, since the two worked together. Their were four restrooms on the first and second floors, two on either side of the castle. They extended the living room, added a giant kitchen to the right side of the castle(Harry loves to cook), and added identical guest rooms on the left side. And Harry simply added lights, aka Fire, to the ceiling. Then they made a dining room on the second floor, right across from Louis' and Harry's room.

Louis and Harry were too tired to finish the other nine floors, so they'll just do it later. It was good enough for now.

Before they knew it, the Sun was setting and this long day had finally come to an end.


When morning came, Louis and Harry realized that they had absolutely no food. So they decided to go shopping. In other words, they were going to go hunting. Then they realized that they had almost no idea how to hunt, so they asked Liam, Zayn, And Niall to go with them, which they happily agreed to.

"So do any of you guys actually know how to hunt?" Harry asked Once they were in the middle of a Forrest.

"Should be simple, I think I can just like brainwash animals into coming towards us, and then bam, Liam can use his gift to grab it or something," Zayn said.

"Fellas, I can actually turn into an animal, I'll lure them in," Niall said, stepping in.

"I'm just hungry," Louis said, sitting on a large rock.

"Me, too," Niall agreed.

"What are we even doing?" Zayn asked.

"Getting food," Liam replied.

"Actually we're just standing around like a bunch of idiots," Harry said.

"This is hard," Louis whined.

"We're not even doing anything," Niall said, clearly confused.

"Exactly," Louis groaned.

"You're such a couch potato," Harry said to Louis.

"Yeah, but I'm your couch potato," Louis lovingly replied.

"Ugh," Harry groaned loudly.

AN I don't know what I'm doing. And I'm like starting to ship Ziam after like 5 million years. But I still ship Ziall, not really a fan of Niam, though, Sorry. Anyways, tell me if there are any mistakes. Well, bye.

Opposites (L.S.)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora