Chapter 9

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Harry's POV

My eyes are closed and they feel heavy. I also have a killer headache, but my left side doesn't hurt at all which is weird.

I hear small sniffles and now I decide to snap open my eyes. I sit up from my laying position and turn my head in the direction if the sniffles.

"Lou?" I ask as I see Louis sitting in a plastic chair with his head in his hands.

"Harry!? Don't sit up, you could hurt yourself - Wait, you're awake! Oh God, I was so scared," Louis says as he rushes over to me and pushes me back to a laying position. His eyes are red, probably from crying skin much, and then he bursts into tears as he reaches for my hand.

"Whoa, calm down," I say as I sit back up" I'm not hurt, I'm not in pain, and what are you talking about? Wait, where am I?"

"Um you're in the nurse's office, which I had trouble finding, but that's not important right now, what is, is that you're awake. The nurse said you broke most of your ribs on your left, side but she doesn't know why or how it happened and then you went into a coma for like an hour and we didn't know when you we're gonna wake up," he said and once again in a panicked tone and pushed me back gently.

"First of all, my ribs are not broken, I am perfectly fine. Second of all, I don't think you can be in a coma for only an hour. (Lolz I am not a medical person, I dunno if that is true or not.) Third of all, I am hungry and I need food," I say as I lift the covers and slip out of the small bed.

"What? What do you mean?! What do you mean you're OK? That makes no sense. That is impossible-"

"That is where you are wrong Mr. Tomlinson," A middle-aged man interrupted him. He's wearing black dress shoes with black slacks and a blue button up shirt, along with a black tie. I don't know who this man is, but then again, I do not know what is going on.

"And you are?" Louis asks with his hand on his hip and his eyebrows raised.

"I am the principal of this school," and all my time at this school, I have never seen this man before.

"OK, well hi, I'm Louis and this-"

"Yes, Mr.Tomlinson I am aware for who you and Mr.Styles are. I am between honored to have both of you here, attending this school," the principal says as he steps forward with a small welcoming smile in his face.

"You can call me Tim."

"Yeah, OK, hi Tim, and what do you mean 'honored'? And what do you mean I'm wrong? It is impossible for Harry not to be hurt at all, I mean did he magically heal or something?" Louis asks very rudely, probably just wanting answers to his questions.

Tim seems so think for a second, before he smirks and replies to Louis.

"Come to my office, we will discuss it there," and with that he walks out if the room and makes a motion for us to follow him.


Louis and I are now seated in leather chairs in Tim's office.

"So can you tell us what's going on?" Louis asks as I awkwardly sit in my chair.

"Well, let's start from the beginning.-"this is gonna take a while I think,"- In the beginning, no one really knew where our gifts and or powers came from, our people were just Happy to have them. But, our people found something, they found somehow that could possible give us a clue on how we were made or who or what made us. Fire and Ice. Nature is what made us, precisely Fire and Ice. That's how we started. Legend says that the first two people with these gifts/powers had the Fire and Ice power, which you two have, and they wanted not to be lonely, so they used their powers to make humans give birth to magical beings, creating a new species of humans. Thus, the rest of us were born and our kind looked up to them, as our King and Queen. The King and Queen loved what they created with their powers, now since these were the first two gifts, Nature wanted our kind to stay alive, so Nature made the King and Queen also have the power to heal instantly, Nature didn't want these precious beings to ever be extinct. But the Queen and King became evil with power. They terrorized the normal innocent people. They became crazy with power, so crazy that the King thought he was better than the Queen and the Queen thought she was better than the King. So they fought a not so bloody battle. The Queen created a sword of fire, the King a sword of ice. They both died; the Queen, ice sword to her fire heart, the King, fire sword to his ice heart. They died because Nature had not planned for the two to turn on each other, for their powers were opposites, which they could use to potentially hurt each other if they wish. So the people did the only thing they thought was right, and they hid everything that would make people remember that there ever was a King and Queen," Louis and I had our mouths hung open as we looked at each other, then back at Tim. Because, what?

"Huh?" I ask, not so sure if what I think Tim is trying to tell us is true.

"You, and Louis here, are the only other persons in which have the power of Fire and Ice, in over 8 millenniums, which is why you have never seen anyone that share the Same power as you two. This has never happened, ever since the King and Queen, the powers of Fire of Ice have never occured in the Same generation, " Tim explains.

"Wait, you said that people like-like me and Harry, regenerated and heal instantly, so that means they're dead, how?" Louis asks.

"Nature is what happened, Nature kills them, for all the past people have done bad with their gifts," Tim says as if it's something that everyone knows.

"Wait, if the how do you know about the King and Queen?" I ask in curiosity.

"Everything was documented, and the school found the book that everything was written in. But you must not tell anyone of this, for they could fear that they would be in danger if you two were even in the Same school."

"Wait, one more question, um, so the nurse said that Harry broke most of his ribs in his left side. Yeah, how did that happen?" Tim smiles a toothy grin at this question and looks straight at us.

"Mr.Styles here, is pregnant."

AN Ooh Kill em. So .....predictable. Lolz. Yes this is an mpreg I know it doesn't say so in the title but this is my book and I can do what I please with it. BTW, this chapter was like literally pulled out of my ass, like the whole speech thing that Tim was talking about in the beginning is total bs. Anyways, check out my other stories and please tell me of there are any mistakes. Well, bye.

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