Chapter 8

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Harry's POV

I wake up and I feel a warmth on my back, but that's not important right now, what is, is that I need the bathroom, right now.

I jump out of bed, stark naked, and run to the toilet as fast as my lanky legs can go. I barely lift the lid up before I release all of last night's dinner that I had before Louis came over.

I feel my throat burn as I throw up into the toilet bowl. I absolutely dred the taste. So, as soon as I finish throwing up, I brush my teeth with as much toothpaste that fits in he bristles of the brush.

I immediately start brushing my teeth and tongue, when I heard shuffling from the bedroom.

"Love, are you alright?" Louis says rubbing his eyes. He has boxers on and I feel a little embarrassed because we just had sex last night and I'm still naked.

"Yeah, just a little nauseous, I guess," I reply as I wash out my mouth and walk over to him.

I feel a pain in my bum that I didn't feel before, I guess I was too focused on making it to the toilet. So instead of walking, I kind o limp towards him.

"You OK?"

"Yeah just a little sore," I say as I hug him, suddenly feeling emotional.

"Sorry," he says as he hugs me back tightly. I feel tears start to roll down my face and, I'm just so Happy right now. My nose starts to get runny, since I sniffle because I don't have a tissue.

"Are you crying?" Louis says as he pulls back from our hug.

"Yeah, I'm just really Happy and I-I just love you," I say as I pull him in for another hug. But he gently pushes me away and I frown a little.

"Are sure you're OK, I don't-"

"Why don't you want to hug me? Is there something wrong with me?" I say as I burst into tears. I can't believe Louis doesn't want to hug me, does he not love me anymore? Did he fall out of love with me?

"Woah, Love calm down, I was just worried about you," he says as he pulls into a hug that I no longer want.

"N-No you don't want a h-hug, so you d-don't get a hug," I sob as I make my way over to the couch.

"Harry, stop acting so immature! I was just worried something was wrong, can I not be worried about my boyfriend?!" Louis yells as I plop myself onto the couch.

Instead of responding immediately, I start sobbing even more and louder than before.

"Y-You yelled at me!" I croak out as I put my head in my hands. I start shaking as I sob even more. Louis sighs and walks over to me and envelops me into a side hug.

"I'm sorry, Love, I didn't mean to upset you, I just didn't know what was wrong with you, you didn't tell me why you were crying, I thought something was wrong with you. And I was just worried. I'm Sorry I made you cry," Louis says calmly and continues to comfortably hug me. I actually calm down a little and kind if understand where he's coming from.

"What's wrong with me?" I chuckle and wipe the years from my cheeks.

"Nothing's wrong with you, you just got a little emotional."

"I'm sorry, I don't know where that came from. I just got really sad and hurt when you didn't want to hug me. I don't know, it was stupid." I smile and hug Louis back.

"It's OK, I understand, people get emotional sometimes, it's normal." Wow I love this man, he's got the whole package.

"Thank you for understanding. Can we just stay here all day? On the couch and cuddle? I don't want to do anything today, I'm rather tired," I say as I lay down on the couch, bringing Louis down with me.

"Whatever you want Love," Louis says as he kisses the top of my head.

We lay there for a both ten minutes, just cuddling, before I decide to break the silence.

"I'm hungry."

"Well, I can't cook at all, I sure can freeze stuff though," Louis says as he plays with my curls.

"Bring me a frozen pizza, on a cookie sheet, with whipped cream, Oh and some pickles," I say as Louis gets up and looks at me with a puzzled expression on his face.

"Please?" I say with a small smile and puppy dog eyes.

"OK," Louis says as he walks away. Soon enough, I hear the fridge door opening and closing, and the clanking of dishes. Then, Louis returns with all the stuff I asked for and places them on the coffee table.

Then he sits down next to me and looks at me with expectant eyes. Then I sit up and hover my hands over the frozen pizza. I then start to send heat waves towards the pizza and t starts to heat up and cook. I raise the temperature in my hands and the pizza starts to cook faster, then agreement about 2 minutes, the pizza is ready to be eaten.

"That is so Cool. How did you learn to do that?" Louis asks me with excitement in his eyes.

"Practice," I shrug and grab a slice. The pizza technically just came out of the oven, but the heat doesn't bother me, I'm used to it anyways.

Louis grabs a slice and I can tell it's a little hot for him, and I see his eyes glow a little, I can tell that he's trying to cool down it down before he eats it by making his hands cold, thus cooling the pizza.

I take the whipped cream, put a hill of it on the slice and I take a pickle from the jar. I put it on top of the whipped cream and I take a big bite of my creation. It's phenomenal, the whipped cream melts in my mouth, the pizza nice and warmth, the pickle adding a sour taste, but it clashes with the sweetness of the whipped cream. And I'm just in food heaven right now.

"Is that even good?" Louis ask as he takes a bite of his half-eaten pizza slice.

Instead of answering, I simply nod my head Yes and continue to devour my food.

Louis ends up eating three slices and I finish the other five, just like I finished the first slice, and I even put all the toppings as I did the first one.

"You were quite hungry," Louis chuckles as he sees me devour the last birthday of my slice.

"Don't judge me," I say as I tackle him in a hug and we're now laying on the couch.

" 'M tired," I say, suddenly feeling tired and sleepy.

"Take a nap."

"Yeah, M'kay," I say as I fall back asleep.


When I wake up, I don't have the urge to throw up, so that's good. But I'm hungry, again. I want food, so I don't think much of it.

"Good morning, or should I say afternoon," Louis says from under me. Oops,(hi) I guess I accidentally fell asleep on Louis, I hope he didn't mind.

"What time is it?" I ask, getting you from the couch and stretching a little.


"And what time was it when I fell asleep?"

"Around two," Wow I woke up late this morning.

"I'm hungry," I huff.

"Already? Babe, you just ate," Louis says in a whiny voice.

"Fight me. I'm hungry and I'm gonna eat food," I sternly say as I walk into the kitchen to look for some food.

But stop when I feel a sharp pain in my ribs, on my left side.

"Fucking Hell," I say as I fall to the ground and everything goes black.

AN Ooh Kill em. Kill em. Sorry this chapter was kind of, sort of late, my mum made me do stuff and I couldn't update. There will probably be mistakes, so please tell me. Don't forget to check out my other stories. Well, bye.

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