Chapter 6

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I am literally all three of those.

Louis' POV

The day passes and it was spent with Harry and I constantly touching. Right now, Liam and Niall are helping me find my dorm. I think it's like building C room 238 or something like that. But I'm not really paying attention, I'm just thinking. About Harry and me.

We both really miss being able to touch a person and just interacting with them. I knows it's only my first day but I think I really like Harry and him and I are already so close.

I don't know if he likes boys, but even if he did, I don't think he would like me. I mean I'm me, and besides we're opposites, we we're meant to stay away from each other. We're not supposed to be together.

He is day and I am night.

He is silence and I am sound.

He is right and I am left.

He is up and I am down.

But then again, North and South always attract.(I'm talking about a magnet if you don't understand,you know because opposites attract on a magnet.....Yeah.)


Harry's POV

I know that's it's Louis' first day and he might be overwhelmed or nervous or whatever, but I really wanna ask him out. I mean he's so....Louis, and perfect.

I just like everything about him. And I know he likes me and my temperature always rises when I'm around him and my eyes glow and I see his eternal glow and his temperature drop. And I just want him, really bad. I don't only want his body, if that's what you're thinking, I want him. All of him.

His personality, his smile, his eyes, his lips, his face, just everything. All of Louis.

I know we're opposites and all, but I don't care. Maybe it's fate that we're opposites. Like with him being all cold and ice-y, and my warm It's like since we're opposites, we somehow attract and I like it. I don't know how to explain it and all I know is that I want Louis to be mine.

And I'm going to make him mine.


It's only been about an hour and a half since school finished and I really miss Louis. I know that Liam and Niall went with him to go find his dorm. Everyone has their own dorm because this place is so big and I just really want to find Louis.

Right now I'm in my own dorm and I don't know what I'm doing, but I need to go find Liam or Niall because they should know where Louis' dorm is.

I get up from my bed that I was sitting on and I head out the door, making sure that I lock and close it as I step out. I try to open the door by twisting the doorknob and sure enough, it's locked. Then I look up at my dorm number, 237.

I start walking down stairs because I'm on the 2nd floor and elevators are too mainstream.

When I exit the building, building C, I start to walk around the campus, looking for Liam or Niall. I only take about 10 steps before I spot Niall. And I run over to him.

"Hey," I say already out of breath and careful not to touch him.

"Oh, Hey Harry, what'cha up to?" Niall asks in his strong Irish accent.

"Um, do you know what number Louis' dorm number is?" I ask as he raises his left eyebrow.

"Uh, yeah, he's actually in yer building, he's in
238, yeah, room 238."

"He's in my building? Louis Tomlinson is living in the same building as I am? Louis? Tomlinson? Louis Tomlinson?"

"Yep, that's what I said."

"Oh my God, thank you so much," I say as I run off back to my building.

I run through the lobby, weird right? And I run up the stairs, as fast as my scrawny legs can go. I finally make it up to my floor and I run down the hallway, like if I'm going to my dorm, but I'm going to the one next to it.

I finally reach Louis' door and I knock on it, trying to remain calm. While I wait, I fix my hair and straighten out my clothes.

After a couple of seconds, the door swings open and green meets blue. His eyes glow as I feel his temperature drop drastically. Mine glow too and I fell my skin get hot.

"Har-ry? Um, hi, how did you know where I live?"

"Not that important. But Louis, I have something to tell you." I suddenly lose all hope and just stare at him with a nervous look on his face. We stand there for about 30 seconds before Louis speaks.

"So are you gonna tell me?" As I stare into his gaze, I gain confidence again.

"I'd rather show you," I say as I crash my lips against his.

And did it feel fucking good.

AN Shorter chapter :/. But, Hey it's something. Anyways thank you for reading and don't forget to check out my other stories. Let me know if there are any mistakes. Well, bye.

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