Chapter 2

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Lolz Louehh and Harold don't know they have unique powers.

Louis' POV

The train has stopped and I am quite nervous, but I'll be okay. I'll be okay. I can see the building and all the students walking around. This school is bigger and nicer than my old school.

Honestly, I just want to make at least a friend, I don't want to be lonely.

I get my bag,(yep, only one bag, I'm a loser, it's basically a backpack)and I get off the train. I look around and start observing the kids(sounds creepy, I know). From what I've seen, many have the common powers. But, none share the same ability that I have. Weird, maybe I'm just blind, I'll find someone.

I start walking towards the school, but fail miserably as I manage to run into something, or someone.

"Sorry mate," I say quickly, afraid that I hurt him. He has blue eyes and bleach-blond hair.

"I'm fine", he says as he stands up, "I'm Niall, and this is my buddy, Liam." With that said, I notice a brown-haired boy standing next to this Niall lad. Niall and Liam both stick out their hands, indicating that they want to shake hands with me, but, yeah, no. I don't want to give my possibly future friends frostbite or pneumonia.

"I'm Louis.Um...I don't really like...touching people," I say sounding more like a question than a response. I awkwardly shift on my feet and scratch the back of my neck.

"Oh, uh that's fine," Liam says. I notice that he's British. Cool, I'm British, too.

"Anyway, what's your gift?" Niall says. He has an Irish accent. Shortly after the words left his mouth, Liam smacked his arm.



"You can't just go and ask Louis that question. That's personal."

"Oh, it's alright, I don't mind," I say, not really caring if Niall wants to know my gift or not.

"So, what is it?" Niall asks with wide eyes, like a curious puppy.

"Oh, um I have the power to kind of, like, control water. It's really cool, I get to control any form of water; vapor, gas, ice, liquid. Even water molecules. Sorry, for not wanting to shake hands, it's just that my gift makes my skin naturally cold."

"That's so cool. All I can is turn into any animal I want to. And it's alright, we didn't know," Niall says.

"Hey, that's awesome. I've never met anyone like that," I say trying to comfort him.

"Okay," Niall says sounding happier.

"So, Liam, what can you do?" I ask, turning to Liam.

"Oh, I have telekinesis."

"Wow, that's cool, I knew someone who had that gift, but they were a douche, so we weren't friends."

"You know, now that you mention it, I don't think I have ever met anyone like you, Louis. You know, with your gift."

"Weird, since I haven't either," I say, going through the memories in my mind.

"Well, time to get to class, I wanna beat the bell" Niall says, checking his watch.

"Yeah, Louis, you wanna get your schedule?" Liam asks me as we start walking in towards the doors.

"Um, no, they actually mailed it to me," I say as I start to dig through my backpack, trying to find it.

After about ten seconds of searching, I finally find it.

"Can I see it?" Liam asks.

"Sure," I hand over my schedule, making sure that I don't touch his skin. Liam quickly skims the paper and hands it back to me.

"We have all, but one class together. Niall and I have the same schedule. but we can still manage," Liam says. He is so sweet and good looking, but not my type. Besides he's my new friend. And Niall, we he is really outgoing.

We finally reach the doors, and I am kind of nervous about what is on the other side. My whole new life is behind these doors. Well, time to go in.

AN Sorry for the late update, my mum wouldn't let me internet. So I started writing this like at 2:30 in the morning. Another chapter that was, I don't know, "Made In The A.M." Lolz, I'm funny. Well, bye.

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