chapter 1 : Broke

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Daryl yelled at his drunken brother Merle , Daryl wasn't having the best day his truck broke down for the third time this week on his way to work making him late three times.

So he wasn't surprised when he was let go from his job. But what pissed him off the most was that he gave Merle the light bill money and he didn't pay it. He spent it and didn't know what he spend it on cause he was real drunk. " Its alright lil brother you'll get another check" he shrugged .

" You idiot what did you do with the money " Daryl said fisting his hands.

Merle gave Daryl a sly grin before walking over to his jacket and dug into the pocket pulling out a plastic bag and showing it to Daryl, Daryl squinted his eyes at it out of the darkness of the messy apartment, his eyes adjusted to it and saw pills and pot his eyes grew big and anger consumed him.

Before he knew it he was across the room tackling his brother to the ground and snatched the bag from his hands quickly getting up and jogged to the bathroom locking the door and dumping the bag in the toilet getting the plunger and soaking the drugs.

Few seconds later Merle came to the door and started banging harshly, "give it to me before i beat your ass !"

Daryl opened the door and was met with a punch to the face causing him to stumble and fall in the tub.

" You bastard you ruined it "  Merle said looking into the toilet, just as Merle was gonna go into the toilet Daryl stood and punched Merle making him fall backwards. " I fuckin hate living with you, living with you is like living with a bunch of farm animals ! "  Daryl barked at a laughing Merle .

Merle got up clumsily wiping blood from his nose. " You wasted three hundred hundred dollars worth of drugs " he laughed .

" we could have been feeling good right now " he said limping to the couch.

" I don't do drugs,  you junkie " Daryl said walking to his bedroom.

" Aint you suppose to be at work " Merle yelled.

" I got fired "  Daryl yelled back.

"Damn i guess today's not your day " Merle laughed.

"  I guess not " Daryl said to himself as he walked to his bed and crashed. Sleep consuming him.

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