Chapter 23 : Baby Shower

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Beth Pov

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3 Months Later

" We're Are You Taking Me "

" It's a surprise, plus all you need to worry about is pushing my niece out " Maggie said driving me to this surprise seeing as I was blind folded.

Maggie kidnap me from the apartment, blind folded me , and dragged me to her car in which she drove to this unknown destination .

When I found out the sex of the baby the first person I called was Maggie, she was so excited and happy about the news I told her she could help me decorate when we have the baby shower. But being Maggie she took over the whole thing while I didn't get a say in anything, and when ever we argue about it I would say, " Its My Baby" then she would say, " It's My Niece ". so I just gave up and let her do her thing. I have a big feeling Daryl has something to do with this because I was thinking,  Maggie doesn't have a key to our apartment so how did she get in ?, Because I know I sure as hell didn't give her my key , so that only leaves one person..... Daryl !.

Merle moved out the house a couple Weeks ago and into his girlfriend Carols, which was a relief because I was getting really tired of cleaning up after him, which wasn't a good thing seeing as though my doctor said to stay off my feet.

" Okay We're Here Love " Maggie said stopping the car and getting out before coming to my side and helping me out of the car. I huffed a breath as i struggled to get out the seat .

" Calm Down Sis " Maggie giggled at me.

" No , I can't do anything with this " I pointed at my bloated stomach .

" That, is your baby, that's gonna be here in about 3 more months " . Maggie pointed out .

" Oh Sorry I Didn't Notice. " I frowned at her .

" Look Mrs. Grumpy Pants, I'm Gonna Need You To Calm Down. " Maggie said firmly .

" I'm Sorry I'm Sorry, These Freaking Hormones " I apologized.

" I know, Just relax "

I took a deep breath and nodded.

After a while of her guiding, walking stopping and turning I wanted to know we're the heck we were going so I stopped walking.

" alright Maggie were the heck are we going we've been walking for 15 minutes now " I frowned .

She said nothing but took the blindfold off of me.


I gasped as everyone I knew stood there , I felt tears come to my eyes as I looked around the room, there was pink everywhere, there was pink table cloths on tables with kitchen utensils, with pink balloons in clear balloons and two round tables with big, medium, and small gifts around and on top of it.

"Oh My God, Maggie This Is Beautiful, Thank You So Much."

" I knew you'll like , and your welcome" she kissed my cheek before walking away with Glenn.

Everyone took pictures with me and talked about the baby and what I was gonna name it and how far along I was and how big I've gotten, I walked to the bathroom to get away from everyone for a bit, and luckily no one was in the hall. I was about to enter a stall when someone pushed me inside, i let out a breath once I saw it was Daryl. I softly hit him in the shoulder .

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