Chapter 11 : Work

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( I would not recommend listening to the song while reading, I just put it up there cause it went with the title of the chapter, and I like the song, but reading with it is optional)

It was my day off from the farm but I decided to go over and speak to Beth.
... And Hershel of course.

I jumped in the shower for a long wash and got out . Putting on one of my blue and black ripped long sleeves knowing Beth's face will turn pink every time I catch her looking at my biceps. Not that I cared or anything.

I put my angel wing vest over my flannel, I slid in some dark ripped jeans and put on some black timberlands.
( tems 😜 )

I exited my room and into the living room finding Merle passed out onto the couch storing and all. I carefully dug in his pocket for the key, silently slipping it from his pocket and into my hands.

I exited my apartment locking it behind me.

I climbed in my truck and made my way to the farm


I went down that very familiar dusty  road towards the farm, honking my horn at Maggie as I saw her get eggs out the chicken shack I built, she waved and smiled.

I parked Merle's truck on the side of the Greene's house before entering the residents.

I greeted Annette as she was dusting the living room. Hershel was in the kitchen reading a bible.

Hey Hershel I greeted

Hey Daryl, you know you don't work today right?

Yea, yea I know Daryl nodded

O and I also appreciate the Beth thing, did everything go okay Hershel whispered?

Mhmm I said looking down

Hershel nodded and smile looking back down at his book

We're is Beth anyway I ask

She's at work Hershel answered

Work? I repeated, where she work at.

A new diner called Mimi dips

" Mama dips " Annette said coming from the living, correcting him and began stirring a pot on the stove

Yea that, it's a good a restaurant it's over there by Witherspoon should visit it.

" Maybe I will " I nodded

Me and Hershel had a good long conversation till dinner was ready

" Daryl you want to join us "Annette offered.

No thanks, Ima go check out that diner i said getting out of my chair.

Alright well drive safe Annette smiled

I nodded and made my way to the exit. Stopping in my tracks as I saw a picture of What I think is Beth.

She gave a cheesy smile with her hand on her hip she looked about 5 or 6
I grinned at the picture before leaving I exited the door and jumped in merles trunk
   I arrived at the diner it was almost closing time and I knew that the workers there including Beth will
be a little upset about having to serve another person, making me debate on going in or not.

Come on Dixon stop being a pussy I say to myself before entering.

A little bell dinged above my head as I made my way to a booth, I was the only one in there apparently. I could heard Pans clanking together and chit chatting in the back. I became a little paranoid after 15 minutes of waiting and still no waiter or waitress ( still no Beth ) CAN I GET SOME ASSISTANCE I yelled over the chaos. It quiet down, and I looked at the menu as I heard footsteps being made towards me.

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