Chapter 25 : Names ?

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3rd Person

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The early morning casted a bright light into the curtains, which casted a soft glow into the room were the couple were wide awake.

Beth had straddled Daryl's hips and lay softly on his chest as they spoke softly to each other .

" I think I need a haircut " Daryl said running his hands through the long strands .

" I can do it today " she said intertwining their hands together.

" ya sure,  I know ya busy with your Hershel and Annette's anniversary party " his gruff voice spoke softly as his finger tips went up and down her spine.

" Its fine , I have time " she said sitting up and makes the face .

Daryl wonders where Beth gets her imagination from. She says the weirdest things at random, especially when he least expects it, like now. She has this look on her face that he can immediately recognise as her thinking face.

Or as he likes to call it, 'Beth's fucking random mood swing' face.

He does not know how he can tell; he just can. It's a pretty useful skill, he admits.

"Okay, what're ya thinkin' 'bout?" His tone is suspicious, and it jolts Beth out of her thoughts.

"What… do you mean?"

"You've got that look on yer face before ya do or say somethin' that's on your mind " Daryl retorts. "So spill it. What's goin' on in that pretty little head o'yours?"

She stays silent for a few seconds. A blush ignites her cheeks.

"I was just thinkin' about our… baby's name ".

" What about it " Daryl asked as he rubbed her baby bump.

" We need a different one " she shrugged .

" a different one ? " Daryl raised an eyebrow . " I thought we decided on Katie "

" I know,  I know but we need something different , something special " she smiled.

" What do you have in mind "

" I kinda like Erine " she smiled which made Daryl smile, which was very rare.

" I like it, Erine Dixon " 

Beth smile vanished and she quickly put her hand on her belly. " Oh "

Daryl sat up a bit ," a-are you okay, is it the baby ? " He panicked .

Bella let out a huff of laughter " woah , I just felt something weird "

" Do you want to go to the hospital " he asked still worried .

" No, no  I'm fine Daryl "

" what was it "

She smiled again , " I can't explain it , it felt like a kick but different " she shook her head and took her position back to laying on his chest .

" she kicks a lot " Daryl grins.

" I know right , its like shes trying to kick herself out " Beth's chuckled .

" Maybe a potential soccer player " Daryl chuckled.

Beth breathed " One more month then we can meet her "
Daryl nodded .

" And another thing , don't be late at the party tomorrow "

" i won't , i won't " he huffed .

It was quiet again but something was off, beth would either hum a tune or play with his tattoos but she was just quiet , another sign he picked up when something was on her mind.

" You alright ? " he asked softly to his quiet wife.

" I'm just thinking about Shawn"  she replied back.

Daryl raised a eyebrow at the name , at first he didn't  know who she was talking about , then suddenly realized it was her brother , it was a subject she never really talked about, he didn't know much about him.

" what about him "

" I wonder were he is , I haven't seen him in so long , I miss him ya know " there was a tremble in her voice .

" Ya never told me abou' him

" He was overprotective  for sure, always looked out for me , I remember when I was little he taught me how to ride a bike , seems like every one was to busy to help me learn , except him he always made time for me.

Daryl listened as she went on .

" When he graduated we all thought that he was gonna go to college, but he told us that he wanted to join the army , that broke mamas heart she always had dreams of him going off to some fancy college and getting degrees but he didn't see him self doing that , dad was angry didn't want him to risk his life,  you know , even for a good cause , so he went and everything was good, he sent us all letters and even called us , until one day it just stopped , all communication had seized for two months "

Daryl held her close as she went on .

" after six months  , Mom , Dad , and Maggie began to get the idea that maybe he was dead , but I never gave up hope , that maybe he was alive , that maybe he'll walk through the door like he never left, but it's been years "

Daryl was at lost of words he couldn't have imagine what they went through,  not knowing if he was dead or not, still not knowing .

" M ' sorry " was all he said , all he could say .

She sat up and smiled ,  wiping her watery eyes , " its not your fault , I never told you , its always been hard "

" I understand " he kissed her forehead .

She wiped her eyes again " I should get going , I have a busy day, "  she went to get up but yelped as Daryl flipped them so she was on the bottom .

" Ten more minutes " he grinned evilly .

" No no , I have to go " she smiled .

He groaned " Fine "

She kissed him softly on the lips before getting off the bed struggling slightly because of Erine

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