Chapter 6: Unknown

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Beth slammed the door to the mustang before calling jimmy a jerk she couldn't believe he was such a ass to her. She pasted Daryl with a confused look on his face before she walked into the house and all eyes were on her. She gave them a smile even though her lips were quivering and she had watery eyes. Beth what's wr-, Before Annette could finish beth ran to her bedroom, a sob escaping her before she climbed the stairs. Ill go Annette said. No i got it Maggie said going to the steps.
Daryl stood on the porch of the Greene's house smoking a cigarette. he didn't know why he was smoking
So much after beth left. He had a total of six and now on his seventh. he was almost finished with his cigarette and was ready to go in the house, when the blue mustang pulled up. He could hear yelling in the car but came out as loud mumbles until beth got out calling him a jerk. She ran up the steps and with watery eyes and into the house. Daryl gave the drivers side a death glare through the black tented windows and before he knew it the car started up and disappeared into the dark dirt path.

Beth layed in her bed with her face in her pillow tears running down her face when a soft knock came to her door. Go Away Beth yelled stuffing her face back her pillow. The door opened and Maggie's head popped in, Bethy are you okay Maggie said closing the door behind herself. When she didn't get an answer she went over and sat on Beth's bed. Bethy you wanna talk about it Maggie said rubbing Beth's back. When beth sat up Maggie took that as a yes. Jimmy wanted sex today beth said a tear running down her face, I told him wasn't ready and we got into a argument beth said wiping her face. Beth, first of all I Dont want you rushing yourself into something that might hurt you of any sorts, and beth All because Jimmy's ready Dont mean you have to be, if he can't be patient then forget about him. Beth nodded and gave her sister a hug, Maggie wiped her sister tears before giving her a kiss on the cheek. Change out of those clothes dinners gonna be ready in 5 minutes Maggie said going to the door and exiting.

Beth went into her dresser and pulled out a light pink tank top with a hole covered cardigan and black dark jeans an cowgirls boots, she put her hair in a ponytail before heading down stairs with her family. Her mother was setting the table and pretty soon everyone was around the table when Daryl came in. His long dark brown hair covering an eye and his ripped long sleeve showing his hard toned muscles, Beth swallowed hard and took a seat which ended up right next to Daryl.

They began eating after Hershel said the pray and Otis started asking Daryl questions.

So Daryl How Long You've Been working for Hershel ? Otis asked

"For about two or three weeks now"

I heard you built that chicken shack by the pond with bricks wasn't that hard Patricia asked Daryl.

" It was a challenge, but far from being hard "

Beth smiled at his pride and asked him a question also.

My Bathroom Door Is Jammed, And it Wont Lock. You Think You Can Fix It Beth asked Daryl who looked her in her light blue eyes.

Y-yeah I can fix it Daryl said looking down at his plate now.

So do you do anything outside of the farm Maggie asked.

Not much but mini construction

Wow, what was the greatest thing you've ever built Maggie's boyfriend Glenn asked.

This man stopped me at a market and asked me if I can built him an house for 30,000 Dollars. I agreed and built it within 6 months

Everyone just stared at Daryl like he was crazy, Wait a minute, Wait a minute, You built a house for 30,000

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