Chapter 20 : " Im Gonna Be A Dad "

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Sorry for no song or picture this time, wattpad has been acting up. I hope the chapter will fulfill you guys satisfaction.

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Early one morning, in the middle of the month, Beth was awoken by the sudden taste of bile in her mouth. Feeling her dinner from last night threatening to make its way back up her digestive system, she scrambled out of bed and made a mad dash towards the bathroom. Throwing herself in front of the toilet, Beth emptied the contents of her stomach . Seeking a reprieve of her misery; Beth sat on the bathroom floor, her head resting against the cool wall. After that moment of rest, she stood up feeling much better than she had five minutes ago, maneuvering in front of the sink to brush the unpleasant taste out of her mouth.

She considered the unopened pregnancy test that sat in her purse, remembering that she had read online that it was best to take the test first thing in the morning. Beth needed to know, it was now or never. If she didn't do it now, she might never have the courage to do it on her own. Beth tip-toed back into the bedroom, over to the dresser upon which her purse sat. She pulled out the box, careful to walk backwards out of the room with the box hidden behind her back just in case Daryl chose that exact moment to wake up. When she was safely in the bathroom again, Beth took the test and sat there staring at the stick during the three minutes that the instructions had told her to wait. Those were the longest minutes of her life, Beth was unaware she was holding her breath. She turned the test over with shaky hands, her eyes scanning over the little pink plus sign. It was positive-she was pregnant.

Now that it was a reality than she was indeed expecting, Beth didn't want to keep this secret from Daryl for any longer. With the test still in her hand, she ran back into the bedroom, launching herself on top of Daryl. He shot up, almost knocking his head against hers in the process before grabbing her upper arms.

"What's wrong?" Daryl was immediately on alert, his voice gruff with tension.

Daryl's eyes darted around looking for any sign of threat before his gaze landed on Beth, who was smiling so wide that her cheeks were beginning to ache. He raised an eyebrow at her, loosening his grip on her body. She brought her hand up to show him the little white stick in her hands. Daryl's eyes widened and it suddenly felt like his head was spinning. "Is that what I think it is?"

Beth's smile never faltered as she nodded her head enthusiastically, "I'm pregnant!" She threw her arms around him, squeezing his neck. His hands went to her back, trying to pull her even closer to him.

"I'm gonna be a dad?" His voice came out in a whisper, and Beth could hear the disbelief in his voice. She pulled back from him, worried that he wasn't as happy about this as she was. When she saw his face, that fear quickly disappeared. His eyes were shining and there was the hint of the faintest smile tugging at his lips. Beth nodded, Daryl pulling her in for a sweet kiss, pressing his lips to hers for a few seconds before crushing her body into a hug once again. He repeated his words, but this time they came out as a statement. "I'm gonna be a dad. "

•  •  •
3 months later

" That's disgusting " Daryl said as he watched his wife eat saltine crackers with cheese wiz and pickles.

" It's not me it's the baby, she's hungry " Beth shrugged and smiled at her noticeable bump.

" She ? " Daryl questioned with a smirk, buttoning his jumper for work.

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