Chapter 22 : UltraSound

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3rd Person

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Beth waited in the waiting room, trying not to bite her nails as she often did when she was nervous. She stared at the picture on the wall of all the doctors in the practice. They were all holding babies in the nursery of Women's Hospital which was right across the street. Daryl an Beth had betted on each other 20 bucks which sex there child was gonna be, even though They were both excited as can be, they thought it would put a stop to all the arguing until the appointment.

But Beth was getting more an more anxious when Daryl didn't come through that door, She glanced at the watch on her wrist and looked to the door expectantly. He had called on her cell a little while ago to tell her he was running late. He said Atlanta traffic was a beast and he was going to get there as fast as he could. He had sounded nervous but sure of himself. Beth smiled. She could imagine him chewing on his thumb as he sat in traffic waiting for it to clear, all the while scanning the side streets for a quicker route.

She hadn't expected to get pregnant it was honestly just a slip up of them not using protection during sex. Daryl always thought he was gonna some how end up like his father, he always had some kind of doubt about himself even after Beth told him he was nothing like him. But when Lori and Rick started being Judy around more. that had sealed the deal. He had taken a liking to her and what was more, Judy absolutely adored Daryl. He had taken to calling her Lil Ass Kicker and it kind of stuck. Beth loved that little girl dearly but really seeing Daryl holding Judy was like witnessing a sunrise. You are amazed and in awe and afraid if you look away for one tiny second, you will miss the whole thing.

Beth's heart beat just a little faster thinking about how Daryl was going to react when he held a child of their own. Beth knew that they would have to have several boxes of Kleenex in the delivery room for all the tears of joy that would be shed.

She glanced at the door again and then looked at her cell to make sure she hadn't missed any calls or texts from him. She wanted him to hurry and get there sure; but she wanted him to be safe about it. He was not the most patient man in the world and she knew he was probably cursing out every driver on the road as he found his way here.

The door to the doctor's office opened. "Elizabeth Dixon?" she called.

Beth wanted to stall but stood up anyway. She approached the door where the ultrasound technician was holding it open, smiling at her. "My husband isn't here yet. Can someone watch for him?" She all the sudden felt like she was going to cry. They had waited for this moment for weeks and he was going to miss it. He would be devastated. They were getting a DVD recording, but Beth knew that it wouldn't be the same.

"I'm Nancy", she said smiling and she nodded at Beth. "I will tell the secretary to be on the lookout for him."

Beth smiled at her, feeling a little relieved. "Tell her that he'll be the one busting through the door, looking all nervous and probably scowling. He looks scary like that, but he is completely harmless." Beth rolled her eyes for effect.

The technician rejoined her in the hallway. "Can I use the bathroom first?" Beth asked. She had a huge bottle of water on the way over and with the extra weight of the baby lately, it was getting harder and harder to keep from going to the bathroom every hour. Besides, maybe it would give Daryl the extra time to get there.

The technician smiled softly at her. "Of course" She said as she led the way to a small door that led to a clean and functional bathroom. Beth took care of business, taking care to wash her hands for a long time to stall even longer. Finally finding nothing else to do, she opened the door and the lady picked up her chart again and motioned for Beth to follow her down the hall.

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