chapter 4 : A Change Of Mind

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It was another hot working day at the Greene's farm and Daryl really liked working there, the family was more than nice to him. they treated him like there own and Daryl appreciated it. As the sun settled over the horizon Annette called Daryl in for dinner.

" Hey Daryl would you help beth in the kitchen she's cutting up strawberries all by herself if you could give her a hand I'm sure dinner would be done a lot quicker" Annette smiled. " yeah I can do that" Daryl said with a nod. Thank you she said patting his shoulder and going to the dining room to set the table. Daryl made his way to the kitchen and too the sink to wash his hands and grabbed a knife.

He noticed Beth Hasn't looked up from the counter so he walked over to her and gently put his hand on her shoulder. Making her jump and look at him, she smiled and took her ear buds out. Hey Beth said. Hey Daryl said getting a strawberry. " So your gonna help me" beth said taking another strawberry. "yeah Annette said it'll speed dinner up" Daryl shrugged and Beth nodded. "Yesterday" beth began, "you left your car keys in my car I went back to give it to you and a women answered the door I told her to give them to you.......did she give them to you ? Beth ask with raised eye brows.
" yeah she did that was my brother merles girlfriend" Daryl said shaking his head. Oh she said going back to cutting the strawberries. Daryl noticed Beth got out a mason jar and was trying hard to open it but also trying for Daryl won't see her. Daryl took the jar from her and open it without any struggle. "I didn't need help" Beth said with her hands on her hips. "Yes you did" Daryl said with a smirk. " How would you know"she said crossing her arms.

"Because your predictable" Daryl said crossing his arms too. I AM NOT Beth laughed." Believe it or not" Daryl commented. "Okay, since I'm predictable whats my favorite color" she said with a smirk. Well your earrings are green and that ring on your finger is green, the eye shadow you were is always green, your car is green, Your Last Name Is Greene......... So I'm guessing green". Daryl said with a smirk. While beth just looked at him with her mouth gaped open. Let's get back to this she said gesturing to the strawberries Daryl nodded and grinned. Daryl knew Beth didn't think he noticed the things about her but he did more than often really.

After awhile Daryl and Beth cut up all the strawberries and put them in the mason jars, when Annette came into the kitchen. " Oh thank you, you guys can go relax on the porch like everyone else Annette said with a smile. And as soon as Daryl got out there a man came up to him and introduced himself. You must be Daryl.......I'm Otis and that's my wife Patricia, he pointed to a woman that waved and went back to the conversation with Beth and Maggie.
Its nice to meet you he said extending a hand, Daryl took it and they shook hands firmly. Everyone was in a nice conversation when a blue mustang zoomed down the dirt path like some maniac up to the house. Music thumping loudly hurting everyone eardrums, making Hershel stand up from his chair.

The person cut the car off and got out. A young man with brown ruffled hair and shades walked up to the stairs and stopped, taking off his shades he smiled and said
" is Beth here ". Beth quickly made her way down the stairs and ask him what he was doing here glancing back at her family , trying to be quiet but felling miserable. At this point everyone were looking at them.
I came to see you he said putting his arms around her neck and began to kiss her. Something in Daryl stomach churned and he didn't like the feeling. Beth gently pulled away from him. Jimmy not in front of my family beth hissed. " sorry sorry just miss ya is all" jimmy said with smirk. " I wanted to take you somewhere" jimmy said putting his hands on her hips.
" I'm sorry but I'm having dinner with my family in a little bit " beth said sweetly. " I'll bring you back before then I promise" jimmy said with a sly smile. Hey Hershel you mind if I take beth away for an hour or two jimmy said turning towards the family. Daryl didn't like the dude, in his eyes he was forceful with beth and Daryl didn't like that not one bit. "Yes jimmy you can take her, Bring Her Back Before Dinner's Done" Hershel said sternly. " I will you have my word jimmy said with smile. He turned towards beth and put his arm around her, walking beside her to the car he opened it for, but she didn't get in without glancing at Daryl and giving him a look he couldn't Identify. She got in and he closed the door after her and got into the drivers seat and zoomed down the dirt road.

Everyone went inside but Daryl still wondered what was that look.

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