Chapter 14 : Touches

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Daryl was in his apartment living room, thinking and thinking, mainly about Beth, he made a real fucked up move kissing her, then leaving her there, having to ride with her friends back.
And all he could think about was the what ifs...

What if she thinks I'm a freak .....

What if she tells her father and he fires me ....

What if she thinks I want sex from her ....

"Oh Shit " Daryl says running his hand through his hair roughly .

I have to see her he said pinching his temple .

Just when he thought nothing could get any worst Merle walks in the door.

Why the hell you in the dark! He yelled flipping the light switch on.

" Thinking " Daryl answered

"About" Merle said going to the fridge and getting out a beer .

"Beth" he said Blankly staring at the off tv.

" The hell you thinking of her for!?" He yelled

" IM JUST THINKING ALRIGHT! " Daryl yelled back

"Ionn know what this bitch done did, but I've been seeing you acting more an more ova pussy every day" Merle growled.

That's it, Daryl had to get out of there before he did something he regretted.

He quickly got up off the couch, and angrily snatched his keys off the counter.

"The Hell You Going!" Merle yelled

"None Of Your Damn Business"! Daryl yelled back.

Soon as he was on his bike he was gone, he couldn't spend another second with that asshole.

And figure that since he was already out, he thought maybe he could stop by the farm.

Yea he kinda once or twice thought about liking Beth or possibly Beth liking him, but it was a thought not an assumption and he couldn't let what ever he felt for Beth get in the way of the job he so badly needed.

Waking up it was 3:45 pm

She dragged herself out of bed an took a long shower putting on her cut-off shorts and navy green tank.

She got a text from Maggie around twelve saying she was gonna spend another night with her boyfriend Glenn with a winky face. (😉)

"Gross" Beth said going down the stairs bare footed, trying so hard not to think of what they might be doing.

Beth didn't like being in the house alone, in fact she hated it, it was just so awkwardly quiet and uncomfortable.

She would have called her friends but Tara was out of town visiting her grandmother who has recently been diagnosed with cancer, and Amy was visiting her sister in New York.
So she was alone for the time being.

She found her self wondering mindlessly to the den where her father alcohol collection was . He hasn't drunk one sip since what happened About Shawn. An he definitely didn't want Neither of his children touching it or drinking any of it. it was definitely off limits.

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