Chapter 17 : Love

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( Song is optional )
( Sexual content )

It's been about a week since the argument between Hershel and Beth, they were still a little pissed at each other but deep down they grew more and more anxious as neither hurt from the other.

Beth and Daryl were sitting on the couch, watching that static filled picture on the old TV when there was a knock at the door. Daryl got up to answer, instantly stiffening when he saw who it was. He wasn't sure whether or not Hershel would punch him for hooking up with his daughter in secret, or if he was going to punch Hershel for treating Beth the way he had.

My daughter around?" Hershel questioned the man lightly,

Daryl simply nodded and walked to the couch, telling Beth that the door was for her.

She was shocked to see her father standing there with a dish in his hand, which she was now noticing contained her favorite type of pie: Strawberry rhubarb.

"Hey Bethy." Beth skipped the pleasantries, running towards her father, tackling him in a hug that almost knocking the pie out of his hand had Hershel's reflexes been any slower.

Hershel was never one to stay mad at his daughter for long or anyone for that matter.

•  •  •
1 year later

Beth and Daryl have been together for a whole year and with every passing day they fall more and more in love with each other.

Hershel has asked Beth to move back to the farm but Beth liked her and Daryl's privacy so she decided to stay with him. Hershel has accepted there relationship and even apologized for thinking so low of Daryl, daryl forgave him but will never forget the things he said.

Daryl has been working hard with his and Beth's new house and even found a new job in construction, Beth has even came to help a few times but every time they end up goofing around or making out so Daryl has banned Beth from the premises until otherwise.

•  •  •

On this spring day, the pair was lying in the field on Beth's family farm, staring up at the clouds in the sky. It was times like these that Daryl felt as if he didn't have a care in the world. There was only him and his Beth, nothing else mattered.

Looking over at her sun-kissed face, Daryl smiled and grabbed her hand. Beth turned on her side, propping her head up on to her elbow, smiling back at him. He saw nothing but love and adoration in her eyes and it made Daryl's heart soar. Beth saw the good in everyone, but more importantly, she saw the good in Daryl.

"We should get married." The words had come out before he realized he had even said them. Suddenly feeling very nervous, he looked away from her and back up to the clouds. She would say no, of course. Just because she saw the good in him didn't mean she wanted to spend the rest of her life with him.

"Yeah...we should." Beth said the words as if they were the most casual thing in the world.

Daryl's eyes widened briefly, surprised at her response. On the outside it might have looked like he was calm, cool, and collected. On the inside his heart was hammering and he couldn't help but feel like the luckiest man alive. Beth wanted him-ALL of him. He knew he came with an asshole  of a brother . He'd probably never be able to buy her fancy things, like he wanted her to have, but it wasn't fancy things that Beth had wanted. She wanted a life, with the man she loved. And that man was Daryl Dixon.

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