Chapter 3 : Dinner

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Beth's has been thinking a lot about the handy Man Daryl and she wonders why, she barely knows the guy, but that doesn't stop her from trying to get a glimpse of his biceps every time he comes to the farm.

Its been about a week sense Hershel hired Daryl as there handy man, and Hershel has never seen a man work so hard in his life. What Daryl has done in a week Hershel has done less in a month. so for all Daryl's hard work he invites Daryl to have dinner with his family.

After washing up in the bathroom and changing out his sweaty work clothes Daryl joins the Greene family down stairs. "Oh my, you must be Daryl our wonderful handyman around here and older blonde hair women with a southern voice announced making Daryl a little nervous. I'm Annette Hershel's wife she said extending a hand. Daryl took it willingly and after was asked if he wanted a glass of wine.

" No thank you I'm not really a wine person" Daryl said shaking his head. "How about a beer" another man said behind Daryl passing him a beer and his attention quickly. "I'm Rick Grimes a good friend of Hershel, and that's my wife Lori he said pointing to a long brown hair women". dary- I know who you are he said cutting Daryl off . for some reason Daryl felt like he was gonna like Rick.

The smell of yams caught Daryl scents really quick and pretty soon the food was ready and everyone gather around the table . Annette, where's Beth Hershel asked as she set down last the plate of biscuits. " In her room probably Annette said taking a deep breath and wiping her hands with her dish rag. Beth! She yelled taking a seat in scooting up. Beth! She yelled again . "Coming" she called back.

Small steps were heard coming down the stairs and when Daryl looked up he almost choked on his beer. It was beth but she was wearing white an dark blue floral shorts and a shirt that showed a large portion of the mid section and her long blonde hair over her shoulders. "JESUS CHRIST, ELIZABETH OLIVIA GREENE, WHAT ON EARTH ARE YOU WEARING" Hershel said with wide eyes. "Whats wrong with it!" She Said looking down at her outfit. "Where's the rest of it" he said looking her up and down. "This is the rest of it" she said putting her hands on her hips. "Beth how old are you" Hershel asked softly.

Twenty two she said crossing her arms . "Well how about you dress like it" Hershel snapped at her. " I am dad, this is the style now, not jumpsuits and suspenders" Beth corrected . Maggie, Lori and Annette let out a bark of laughter while Daryl and Rick let out small chuckles. "ANNETTE HOW COULD YOU POSSIBLY FIND THIS FUNNY LOOK AT OUR DAUGHTER" Hershel said pointing at Beth. " Beth honey, can you please change, just this once " Annette said with pleading eyes. " Fine " she said storming up there stairs. After a few minutes they said there grace and began stuffing there faces. " Oh god Annette these yams are delicious what's your secret " Lori said scooping a mouth full in. "Not really a secret just marshmallows and cinnamon" Annette smiled. Beth appeared again in more appropriate clothing and stood in the hallway door. " Come, Beth sit with us "Annette said smiling. Beth makes her way to the table and soon Daryl realized there are no more seats except for the one beside him.

She made her way beside him and he froze when her elbow touched his side, why does she make me so nervous? Daryl said to himself. He was so caught up in his thoughts that he didn't hear her say hello. "Daryl are you okay" she said touching his shoulder gently. " Y-yeah " he said looking into her light blue eyes. She gave Daryl a small smile before focusing on the conversation.

"You what" Beth exclaimed with a sly smile. " I did not lose her in Walmart " Hershel said with a smile. "Hershel I asked you were beth was and you said right here and was pointing at nothing but the ground" Annette laughed. "Alright yeah but I found you right on the next aisle were the toys were " Hershel chuckled. "Wow daddy I can't believe you lost me when I was five" beth said shaking her head with a little smile. "I DID NOT LOSE YOU" Hershel exclaimed. "Have you ever lost me dad" Maggie said taking a bite of her chicken. "Its a long story" Hershel said and everyone laughed, after a while everyone decided to call it a night and head home

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