Chapter 21 : For Me

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Daryl's Pov

I finally returned home after a long day of work, it had to be a least two in the morning and I was exhausted, I had a huge headache with all the noise at the construction site and my back was aching something awful. working 3pm to 2am everyday was absolutely ridiculous but every time i thinks of Beth and our unborn child and how i want it to have everything it needs, I put my complaining to the side and continue with my work. Luckily I ordered the next three days off because tomorrow is Beth's ultrasound and we find out the sex of our child, she begged me to be there even though I planned on going already.

Stepping in my apartment, I went straight to my bedroom because all I wanted to do was take a shower and go to bed with Beth.

Going straight to the bathroom , Turning the hot water on, i stripped from my jumper before stepping right under the spray, letting the dirt slip from my body and down the drain felt well over amazing. After my long wash i got dressed in my boxers and a white wife beater.

Stepping back into my bedroom i just then noticed Beth laying there sound asleep with her hair everywhere across the pillow and her hand laying softly on her stomach right then an there I thought I couldn't fall more in love with her. Pulling up the covers then getting under them I felt something poke me in the side,

I reached under the cover and out came Beth's baby diary , it was the first thing Beth bought when she found out she was pregnant,

I opened it and flipped through the pages after reading them and began to read the last page.

3 months pregnant.
" Dear baby when I first found out that I was pregnant with you I felt like I was on top of the world and felt I could give Daryl something more than my love, but now I feel like I'm driving him away from his own blood , He doesn't even spend as much time with his own brother than he does with me and I feel extremely guilty, Merle is your fathers brother, your uncle. He could be really sweet on occasions, but he wasn't today, he called me a very bad word and dragged you into this, I will lay my life down for you before I let anyone talk bad about you or put you in harms way, I just want you to know, no matter what I will always protect you."

I clenched my jaw, feeling myself become angry but first i wanted the story from Beth, before I go and beat Merle's ass.

I brought my attention to my sleeping wife, slipping the hair from out of her face she stirred slightly before her eyes fluttered open and a smile appeared.

" Your home " she smiled widely, but then notice I wasn't in a happy mood.

" what's wrong " she asked moving closer towards me.

" what happened today with you and Merle, what did he call you, and Don't lie to me ". I asked putting my hand softly on the side of her face.

She looked to the diary that sat on the bed and knew I read it.

" h-he called me a bitch but he didn't mean it he was drunk" she spoke fast but quietly

I fisted my hands before getting off the bed making my to the door.

" No!, Daryl please don't " I said pulling his arm.

" why not ! "

" He was drunk, he didn't mean it "

" That doesn't give him the okay to talk to you like that "

" please Daryl, if you won't do it for me do it for the baby " she said taking my hand, putting it on her round belly.

I was quiet for a moment before i sighed and took my hand off the door knob before turning to Beth.

" He's still not off the hook " I said laying my other hand on her belly.

" okay fine, let's just go back to bed "

We climbed back in bed with her back against my chests and my hand laying softly on her stomach.

" I'm so excited for today "

" really?, I'm fucking terrified"

" why " she giggled

" because boys are easy, girls are scary, if you know what I mean "

Beth laughed, " yah I understand but I think we can handle it "

I turned her around in my arms, and even in the half dark room her eyes still held a noticeable light blue.

" I love you so much "

She smiled before bringing her lips to mine.

" Not as much as I love you " she whispered against my lips.

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