Chapter 18 : Man & Wife

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( song is optional )
( short chapter, sorry )

They were riding in Merles old beat up truck to the local courthouse. Beth sat in her Sunday best, a white lace dress that fell just above her knees. Her hair was down, flowing behind her as the wind from the rolled down window kicked it up. Daryl was driving, one hand gripping the wheel, the other hand was up at his mouth. Beth smiled as he gnawed on the thumb-he was nervous. It was understandable, she was too, but she knew that deep down inside they both wanted this more than anything in the world. Today was her wedding day, the thought rousing butterflies in her stomach. Daryl had cleaned himself up, dressing in some black slacks and a blue button up shirt, and he had even shaved.

Beth reached over across the bench seat and grabbed his hand, pulling it from his mouth. She leaned over and kissed the raw skin on his thumb. He smiled at her before switching his gaze back to the road. They had decided that they would get married in the courthouse, just the two of them, because that's how they felt like they lived their lives. It was just him and her and nothing else in the world could touch them.

Beth had told her family that they didn't want a big fancy wedding and that they were gonna get married at the court house, Maggie and Annette were pissed but accepted there decision. And Hershel was fine with the idea from the get-go. Daryl hadn't wanted his father to attend, for obvious reasons, and Merle was doing a stint at the local correctional facility so it was quickly settled that he wouldn't be able to make it.

Even with the guilt of not being surrounded by family on the most important day of her life, Beth knew this is what was right for them. She knew Daryl wouldn't be comfortable with the big fancy wedding party, standing up in front of all of those people. He would have done it for her, he would do anything for her, but luckily that wasn't the type of wedding Beth had wanted either.

Pulling into a parking spot out front, Daryl put the truck into park and shut off the engine. He sat staring straight ahead for a moment. Beth knew what was going through his mind. He was telling himself that he wasn't good enough, didn't deserve her. She scooted over, her hand reaching up to tilt his face towards her. She looked into those Georgia blues and spoke quietly, the words meant only for his ears. "I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you."

A small smile graced Daryl's lips as leaned forward to bring his lips to hers. The kiss was quick but he kept his face near, leaning his forehead against hers. "I don't deserve ya Beth."

Beth smiled, pleased that she knew what he was thinking. "You deserve a whole lot more than me."

Daryl chuckled, loving how she always knew exactly what to say. "Good thing I only want you then." Beth responded with a laugh.

They left the truck and made their way into the courthouse. Daryl's leg was bouncing and Beth's hand was gripping his tighter and tighter as they tried to patiently wait for the judge to see them. Soon their names were called and they entered the chambers, said their vows, and were soon husband and wife. Beth felt breathless and invincible, and Daryl felt like he was on top of the world. They both exited the courthouse, holding hands, each sporting wide grins on their faces.

They quickly made their way over to Daryl's truck. He walked her over to the passenger side and she reached to open the door when Daryl pushed her up against the truck and his mouth immediately found hers.

The kiss was passionate, like he was trying to convey his feelings through actions. His hands gripped her hips, almost painfully, as if he were to let go, she would fly away. Beth kissed him back hard, her hands sliding up his chest to wrap around his neck.

Anyone walking by probably would have scoffed at the blatant public display of affection, but in that moment, it was just Beth and Daryl in their own world.

Daryl was the first to pull back from Beth's swollen lips. "Mrs. Dixon, may I help you into the truck?"

Beth blushed, the name making her heart flutter. "Why yes, Mr. Dixon. I would certainly enjoy that."

Daryl opened the door for her, shutting it only when he knew she was safely situated inside. He walked around to the driver's side, yanking the heavy door open, sliding inside. He cranked the engine and looked over to his smiling new bride. "Let's go home."

Yaay there hitched👅
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