Chapter Nine

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"Mom I'm home!"

"In the kitchen!"

"Hey what are you cooking."

"Just some fried chicken, macaroni and cheese, corn bread, and a cake for later."

"Sounds good!"

"Yeah, what did you today?"

"I went to see the house with Jayden. Mommy it was beautiful!"

"I know, you know how long we spent decorating that house."

"I'm surprised you didn't tell me."

"I promised I wouldn't."

"Well I guess I have to pack my things."

"I'm gonna miss my little girl but I'll have your bad behind little brother to keep me company."

"He's not bad!"

"Of course not because both y'all love driving me crazy. Speaking of him go get him for dinner."

I went up stairs and to get Nathan but stopped in my room first. I'm gonna miss these four walls. I snapped out of it and went to get Nathan.

"Big head!"


My little brother ran to me and my heart melted he was a bundle of joy. He was only 10 but he made me so happy.

"Nene mommy said you have your own house. Can I come visit?"

"Of course, all you have to do is call me."


"I promise now come and let's go eat."

We all sat at the table and gathered around to say prayer. After that we talked and joked around. I was gonna miss times like these with my mom and little brother but the bird has to leave the nest sometimes and it would be easier on my mom finically. We decided to stay up and watch a movie on my last night then play games.

"Who wants cake."

"Me and Nene mommy!" My little brother screamed and I just smiled he was adorable.

We all sat and ate cake until the movie was finished. Then we all took a shower and played some games. My little brother was getting tired so I went to tuck him in.

"Nene you're the best sister ever." He mumbled with his sleepy eyes.

"You're the best little brother ever Nathan." I kissed his forehead and he went to sleep.

I walked down the hall to my mom's room and sat on the floor in between her legs like I used to when I was younger. She played in my hair and I felt young again.

"Nia, use protection. I'm to young for grand kids!"

"Mom, what-"

"Don't mom me anything, your hips have gotten wider and even know you're not thick you have the perfect shape to be a size 5."

"I understand."

"You always use protection?"

"Yeah when we are not in the moment. I mean sometimes the sexual tension is so high we just don't think about that."

"Well you better start using your big head you're only 18 and even though you guys have been together for four years and you trust him, I'm sure you aren't ready for kids."

"No, I can't be a mom now."

"Exactly, I might have a heart attack if my little baby had a baby at 18."

"Mom, we aren't thinking about kids now so no worries."

"You better make sure Nia."

"I will mom."

After everyone was sleep. I called Jayden and got no answered. I brushed it off and went to sleep thinking about the conversation between my mom and I.

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