Chapter Twentysix

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I awoke with Jayden's arms wrapped around me and I slowly lifted them off as I made way to the twins room. We had placed their room next door, it was conjoining so the only thing separating us were the double doors. Jayden had really out done himself. I slowly opened the doors to their room making sure not to wake Jayden and walked over to my angels.

I still couldn't believe I had twins and didn't know at that. I guess you can say Jayden and I started the trait because no one of either sides of our family had any sets of twins. I was glad it was just us for tonight because tomorrow both grandmothers would be over here followed by all the other family.

I brushed Juniors hair with my left hand and Jaiona held on to my other hand with her small baby fingers. I was so happy at this moment even in labor, yes they put my body through hell but I was filled with bliss knowing God granted Jayden and I with two angels.


I turned around to see Jayden holding up his iPhone taking a picture of me.

"Baby no! I look a mess."

"Girl you cute!" He said in his

girly voice making us both laugh.

He came behind me and grabbed Jaiona and I grabbed Jayden and we took them into the bathroom. We placed them in the baby tub and began to wash them. I loved the smell of babies it was like heaven. Jayden had stacked up on Johnson baby products so they were good to go. The twins enjoyed the bath and it was a Kodak moment forreal. Jayden handed me Jayden Jr.'s towel which was blue and had his name written on it and Jaiona had a matching one with her name that was green. They were just two and a half days out the womb and Jayden was spoiling them, come on now a towel was a towel.

"Really Jayden?"


"A little extra with the towels."

"I know you can't talk with the his and hers towels you brought for us."

"That's different they don't say Jayden and Nia, now do they?"

"Same thing."

"I guess."

We picked them up and carried them to the bed where they had matching pajamas. I got two diapers with my free hand making sure to have a good grip on Junior so his neck would have support while Jayden grabbed the powder and baby lotion.

We laid them down on the bed and put lotion on their bodies as they smiled and spit bubbles. My babies were the cutest things. We dressed them and placed them in between us. Everything was great and we were watching a movie until they started crying.

"Jayden can you go get a bottle for them."

He went in the kitchen to make their bottles while I gave them my motherly love to soothe them and they calmed down a little. Jayden walked back in the room passing one of the bottles to me. I began to feed junior as Jayden fed Jaiona. After they finished they both fell sound asleep in our bed.

Jayden and I finished our movie and went to sleep right after them.

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