Chapter TwentyNine

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"Nia! Can you hear me? Please wake up."

"Baby it's me Jayden your fiancée. Wake up."

My eyes were shut and my head was pounding. Why the hell was Ashanti and Jayden asking these questions. It all came back to me now, I was strapping Junior in his car seat and then I blanked out. Where the hell are my babies? I opened my eyes and sat up.

"Nia take your time. Damn."

"Baby you're up!"

"Yes I'm up now tell me what happened?"

"Well I ran back in the mall to get the diaper bag we left in the dressing room and I came back 5 minutes later and seen glass everywhere and you knocked the hell out and ... And..."

"Ashanti what the hell is your problem girl? And what?"

"Umm Jayden you tell her."

I was confused I looked over at Jayden as he held my hand tight. Something wasn't right they were too quiet and the mood in the room was not a happy one.

"Jayden what the hell is going on? Oh wait baby did you get my babies? Where are they I miss them!" I said smiling thinking about my kids.

"Nia, baby it's no easy why to say this but Junior is with my mom and Jaiona well whoever attacked you took her, and I'm guessing taking junior was too much since you were blocking the way."

My body froze up and everything Jayden said after took her became a blur to me. I started laughing because I knew I was getting punked right now.

"Baby why are you laughing?"

"Jayden I'm laughing because I know you put me on punked now get the cameras out and bring me my kids, both of them! Jayden Jeremiah Johnson Jr. and Jaiona Jaslyn Johnson!"

"Nia I'm sorry baby, it's no joke our baby girl is missing. Somebody took her." He said as tears filled his eyes.

In that moment I didn't know how to feel I wanted to fuck somebody up but on the other hand I wanted to cry because I should of protected them.

"It's all my fault Jayden! I should of protected her! Now my baby girl is gone and it's all my fault Jayden. I knew I wasn't fit to be a mother, I can't even keep my own child out of danger. I should of stayed home but I wanted to go shopping early before we had lunch. I'm so damn stupid!" I said as I began to cry.

Jayden held me in his chest as Ashanti rubbed my back for support. I felt hopeless and unworthy for anybody to be calling me their mother let only their soon to be wife. I had let the most precious thing from God be taken away from me. Who would want to take my child? What have I done to deserve this? I don't even have enemies, will killed them along time ago. Then it hit me, Tiffany.

"That motherfucking bitch!"

"Nia what's wrong girl?" Ashanti said.

"Yeah baby, you okay?" Jayden replied.

"It was Tiffany! I knew it was a matter of time, I was so caught up in being pregnant that I forgot she needed to be 10 feet under. Get me the fuck out of here now I'm going to get my daughter."

Ashanti went to go get the nurse while Jayden help put my clothes back on. I called Jayden's mom telling her to make sure my mom and Nathan were home and for all of them to stay in the house. I signed myself out the hospital and I was on my way to Tiffany's house.

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