Chapter TwentyTwo

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It had been about three weeks since the baby shower and I was still wondering who this nigga Amir was. I had discussed it with Chris, Shawn, and Rell and they had told me to leave it to them but I just couldn't.

I was upset because Nia should of told me about him even if it was just a small hi and bye because anyone could be an enemy. I had to explain that to her and let everyone know we was on some no new friends type of shit now because I couldn't risk anyone dying.

I was going to move Ms. Smith and Nathan closer to us but my mom insisted she had enough room in her house. Ashanti had moved in with Chris to keep her safe and Shawn and Rell were always together.

Tiffany was walking on thin ice and I would of killed her by now but it seemed like she was going to be the connect we needed to find out more about Amir.

Nia had been on bed rest this past week and she was really big just to be carrying one baby. The doctor had informed us that the baby could come anyday now. I was so excited that I was finally going to be a dad.

The nursery was painted blue and green because of those were Nia and Ashanti's favorite colors. I didn't mind because I left the decorating to the women.

I decided to go visit my dad today because I had to catch him up on everything face to face. My mom was coming with me and I even invited Dave. Nia couldn't come because she was in pain so Ashanti, her mom, and Nathan were over here with her.

It was about 5 hours to drive there, it was close to Jacksonville, FL. We left around 8am and got here about 1pm. We walked into the visiting entrance and we all got searched, afterwards they walked us to the visiting area and we had to wait for my dad.

About 5 minutes later he came walking in and he looked the same. It was killing me seeing him in handcuffs and not able to be free. I knew he didn't do it, my dad was a drug lord and had many people killed for crossing him but he would never kill an innocent woman and child. They accused him saying that he went after them to get to her husband. That's why I hated the police this was all some bullshit and that's why I made it my job to kill Tez.

"Don't just stare at me like y'all don't know me. Get up and give me a hug or something."

We all hugged my dad and I let Dave and my mother have there moments and watching my mother cry like that only made me more mad. Dave and my mom had left my dad and I alone to talk while she got some air.

"So what's going on out there?"

"I killed Tez, Terrence and Lisa. Come to find out Lisa was there cousin and she tried to kill Nia. Tiffany is alive but only because she messing with this nigga Amir and I'm trying to take him out."

"I see you've done good for yourself. Follow this Amir nigga around and follow Tiffany too. I'll try to find out more about him and let you know."

We talked for about 30 minutes and I told him about everything and how the baby would be coming soon. He shocked but he told me to make sure I protected my family to the fullest. It was his time to go back and I was sad, I really missed having my dad around.

"Hey Jayden?"


"Make sure you never leave your kids. I'm sorry I left you."

"Dad I know you didn't do that, you innocent but I hear you."

We hugged one last time and when he let go I felt like I was in the courtroom when they announced he was guilty.

"Watch out for Dave and your mother. I know she love me but something ain't right."

"Dad you know-"

"Just do it."

"I got you."

"I love you son."

"I love you too dad."

I walked out of there and I felt like I was a small child. It was hard watching them out my dad in handcuffs and bringing him back to his cell. He was holding up like he was strong but I knew that cell was tearing him a part. I sent him plenty money and he even had a cell all to himself. It just hurt to see someone you love behind bars especially when you know they didn't do it.

The drive back home was quiet I kept thinking about what my dad said about Dave and my mom. I didn't want to believe that but my dad was always right. I just hoped my mom would never betray her husband like that especially with his close friend.

"Hey Jayden, Dave and I are planning on going on a cruise. You should invite Nia and friends."

Cruise huh? Probably need some private time with Dave. I grabbed the steering wheel tight and my blood boiled. I cut the AC and rolled the windows down.

"Jayden it is hot as hell, roll your window up."

"I need some air mom, can you leave me alone."

"Jayden I know you upset but don't take it out on your mother."

Did this nigga just speak to me like he was my dad? So he think he just cut into the picture now. 

Not if I'm around.

"You not my fucking dad so just relax yourself in the back seat until I drop y'all off."

The whole car went quiet just how I liked it. This shit was pissing me off. I turned in the radio and to my surprise No New Friends was playing. I turned the radio all the way up and vibed to that to calm my nerves.

"Jayden can you turn that down some?"

I ignored my mother and kept driving. I ain't wanna speak to anybody. I was chilling until Marble Floors by French Montana came on.

So I let the bitch hang out with me right

You know word got around I was fucking this nigga bitch

So the nigga called me, he like "You fuckin my bitch"-

I'm like I'm fuckin her right now

Got ya bitch tip-toein on my marble floors

Red bottoms only for the centerfolds

Big bodies I got 10 of those

Whippin' work it smellin like they dinner rolls

I looked back and this nigga Dave singing the song. Oh so he think this shit funny. I was almost home and I needed to get there fast before I did something, I dropped Dave and my mom off not even saying good bye to them. I continued driving about 20 minutes until I got home. 

Once I got home I told everyone good bye and went upstairs to take a shower. My head was hurting and I just wanted to lay down and go to sleep. I got out the shower and Nia was laying on her side watching Love & Hip ATL, I didn't understand how she can get so hyped up by this show but I brushed it off as I went to sit next to her. 

"How was it?"

"It was good I missed my dad and we talked about everything. He told me to watch out for Dave and my mom and that really got my head hurting. I can't imagine my mom doing my dad like that."

"Baby I'm sure its nothing your mom really loves your dad, she always talks about their memories and even wears his bracelet. Don't worry baby."

"You right, I'll let it go but I'm still going keep my eye on him."

We stayed up until 1am watching movies and enjoying each others company. I was in love with Nia and couldn't wait until she was walking down the isle to me. I cuddled her close to me and rubbed her stomach as she fell asleep. I kissed her forehead and went to sleep after to her.



I felt somebody slap me in my head and I jumped up.

"Who the fuck-"

I looked down and the bed was wet and Nia had tears coming from her face. My heart ached and I reached for her.

"Jayden, my water broke."

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