Chapter Thirteen

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I told everybody to head back to the stash house and rushed back to my house. Rell and Shawn drove back with me and I swear I wasn't getting there fast enough.

I couldn't believe Lisa, I mean we had a thing when we were kids but that was so long ago I thought she got over it when she moved to atlanta in sixth grade. She was definitely crazy.

I was about 5 minutes away and my heart was racing. I didn't know what to expect when I got in the house, what if Nia was dead or shot. My mind and heart couldn't take it, I sped all the way to the housing complex and parked across the street. I told Rell and Shawn to come through the back door and I would take the front.

I got to the front door and looked through the window. My glass table was shattered and I seen blood. I opened the door and didn't see anyone.


"Why are you calling her when you can have me baby?"

Lisa wore nothing but her bra and panties and she looked good but not for me. She wasn't Nia and I needed to find Nia.

"Listen Lisa we don't have nothing! Where the fuck is Nia! I swear if she's hurt I will kill you personally."

"You actually care about that bitch! I was there since we were kids, remember our first kiss by the playground, how we used to walk to school together. You used to say I was your forever! What happened? Is she better than me!?"

"Lisa we were what 10 or 11? We were kids and what we had is done. I love you like a little sister, a friend! You crazy yo! You got some things fucked up in your head! Where is Nia!?" I said brushing past her.

"If I can't have you that bitch can't have you either!"

"What the fuck-" I turned around and she had a gun raised at me.

"I love you Jayden, I do and we can be a family."

"Lisa, I don't love you. I'm sorry I dont. Put the gun down and tell me where Nia is."

"Listen I'm tired of playing games. We either gonna be together or i'll kill you."

Shawn and Rell had came in and stepped close to Lisa. They pressed the guns to her head and she started to tear up.

"Please don't kill me. Please!"

"Where's Nia!?" I screamed

"Sh-she's in the pantry in the kitchen."

I ran to the kitchen a opened up the pantry. Nia was laying down in bloody pants. She had a bruise on her forehead and her body looked lifeless. She was breathing but wasn't responding to anything I said. Tears filled my eyes and I held her close to me.

"Nia please wake up, it's me Jayden. Baby I'm sorry I left you. I love you."

No reply. No movement.

"Rell! Shawn! Somebody help."

They walked into the kitchen still holding the gun to Lisa's head. They tied Lisa up and pulled the car up. I carried Nia into the back seat and got in the driver's seat.

"Take her to big man don't kill her, I'll handle her and Sam together. When y'all done come to the hospital and tell everyone they can go home."

"Alright be safe."

I drove to the hospital doing 80 and I still wasn't getting there fast enough. I kept looking back at Nia and tryna talk to her but no answer. This was all my fault! If Nia died I would kill myself, how could I live without the other half of my heart. I parked in the emergency and grabbed Nia, I ran into the emergency room screaming.

"Help me! My fiancée isn't responding. Please please!" I said through tears.

Nurses came out and took her to the back. I tried to go back with them but they told me I had to wait. It would be awhile so I went to see Chris.

"What's wrong man?"

"Nia, she's down in emergency. You remember Lisa? She was like obsessed with me and tried to take Nia out while I was gone. It's all my fault."

"Go down there and see what's up with Nia and I'll get the nurse to wheel me down."

"But Chris-"

"Just go! Ima meet you."

I left and took the elevator down to the emergency. When I got down the nurse had called for anyone who was with Nia Smith.

"Me! I'm here, that's my fiancée!"

"Sir please come with me."

I followed the nurse and expected her to be dead or in a coma. I was breaking inside walking back here to Nia.

"She's in room 12, the doctor is in there and will give you all the details."

I walked to the room and to my surprise Nia was awake.

"Baby." I walked to her side and kissed her forehead.

"I'll never leave you again, I promise."

"I take it you are Jayden, I'm Dr. Lance and your fiancée is going to be fine, she lost some blood due to her pregnancy but she'll be just fine. Oh, congrats!"

"Pregnancy?" I looked between both of them. She smiled and the doctor shook his head.

"She's a couple of weeks and that's probably why things weren't worse. I'll leave you two alone."

"Baby, did you hear that? I'm gonna be a dad! Our son is gonna be so cute."

"Our daughter will be beautiful."

"I don't care what the sex is, as long as its a healthy baby but Nia what happened?"

"After I hung up the phone we were fighting and then she hit me with the iron rod and I blanked out."

"Nia, I'm so sorry! It's my fault."

"Baby you didn't know, I'm okay now."

Just then Rell, Shawn, and Chris walked in and asked how Nia was doing and if we needed anything. I was happy I was gonna be a dad and just broke the news to them.

"Nia's pregnant!"

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