Chapter TwentyThree

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Jayden ran into the closet to get my bag and then helped me down stairs. He told big man to pull the car around front and he carried me bridal style to the back seat. He gently placed me down and then got it the car. Big man was putting his front to the medal I'm surprised no police pulled us over.

Jayden took out his phone and called everyone to let them know. It seemed like he was a record disk going on and on because all he kept saying was, "It's time! The baby is coming!" Then he would hang up the phone and call the next person.

I was in so much pain right now and I just wanted to get this baby out of me.

"Baby do like the doctor said stay calm and breathe."

"Shut up Jayden. Tell me if you can stay calm if a baby was to come out of your penis?"

He shut his mouth and began rubbing my feet. It would of felt nice but I was irritable and didn't want to be touched. I wish we could get to the hospital sooner because it felt like there were 10 bowling balls putting pressure on my vagina. I couldn't take the pain it was unbearable.

Big man pulled up to the hospital and Jayden threw my bag to big man and picked me up. He also fell trying to run with me and that was funny.

"I need a nurse! My wife's water broke."

Wife? It felt good hearing that come out of Jayden's mouth. It warmed my heart even in a situation like this. Three nurses came rushing towards us with a wheel chair. Jayden placed me in the wheelchair and they wheeled me into the back.

They laid me on the hospital bed and put the IV in my arm. Next they checked my vitals and everything was good. They were even monitoring the baby's heart rate. I didn't want any pain medicine I wanted natural birth. Some would call me crazy but I didn't want that epidural to catch up with me 25 years from now with those bad back pains so I took the pain.

Soon everyone had arrived and we were waiting for the baby to come. I was undecided on the name because I had three in mind but I know when I see her face the perfect one out of the three with come to mind.

The pain seemed to be getting worse and I was in labor for a good 10 hours now. Everyone took turns going to sleep and I was lucky if I could just relax. Dr. Patricia came in with all smiles and I wish I could take her place.

"Everything looks great, lets see if your 10 centimeters dilated."

She lifted the sheet and looked.

"Okay Nia, you are ready. I can see the baby's head I just need for you to push."

Jayden walked over to one side and my mother on the other side. Ashanti, Chris, Shawn, Rell, and Big man stood off to the side. I took a deep breath and pushed my hardest and it felt like I was ripping through my insides. It hurt so bad.

"Come on baby just a couple more pushes."

I continued to push my hardest as I squeezed my eyes shut. I felt a sigh of relief and a cry of a baby. I was so happy. I heard my baby cry. They went to clean her off and the pain was still there and I didn't understand why, the placenta was suppose to come out soon but with no pain.

"Nia I need to push!" Dr. Patricia said.

"Why? What's wrong?"

"It's another baby, you have to push or the baby could suffocate."

Another baby? I was dreaming! No one informed me on twins. I pushed and pushed and the baby came out and all the pain subsided. Dr. Patricia held the baby up and it was a healthy baby boy.

"How didn't I know I was having twins?"

"Sometimes one baby can be hiding behind the other so it goes unnoticed but you took great care of yourself and you have two beautiful babies."

She handed me and Jayden each a baby and the look on everyone's faces were so funny. Trust me I was shocked to, how could I not know I was having twins. I looked over and Jayden was holding our son and I seen the love in his eyes. It's like the had a connection the way our son held on to his finger and how Jayden cuddled him close like his protector it was beautiful.

"Name him."

"Nia you know you do the naming thing, if it was up to me he would be a junior."

"Then I guess that's Jayden Jr."

"Nia you know you like different names."

"True but I fell in the love with the name Jayden."

He kissed me and we switched babies.

"What about our baby girl? Is it going to start with a N or J?"

"I was thinking Jaiona."

"Then Jaiona Johnson it is."

Everyone took their turns holding each baby and took pictures. Everyone had left except Jayden and I had told him to go home and shower and get some rest then come back but he had declined. He even got me anything I wanted and I was being pampered.

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