Chapter Ten

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I had just got finished talking to Chris at the hospital. I had to let him know what was up and make sure he was okay. I had one of my body guards here with him and made sure he was eating good because that hospital food was nasty as fuck. He was doing better and after he did his therapy he could be released which was good news. I needed to stop by his moms house to see if they were okay but that would have to wait until tomorrow.

I pulled up to the trap house a little early and met Shawn and Rell.

"Wassup y'all?"

"Wassup J? They both replied.

"These niggas got five minutes and they know they better be on time. "

We all laughed and heard all the cars pulling up. One by one all of my team came in. They all gathered around and I began.

"Y'all know this nigga Terrence getting out of hand, so we gon pay this nigga stash house a visit on Friday. I need y'all to be strapped and here by 9. No if or buts! Understood?"

"Yeah we got you."

"Alright and another thing make sure all by on the look out for this nigga named Tez. If y'all hear anything let me know."

"Alright will do."

"Everyone is free to go but Sam let me speak to you."

Everybody left out and Sam stood there like he knew he was in trouble. He looked like he wanted to cry.

"Don't shit your pants now lil nigga! I heard you been sellin out and giving Terrence them info on us?"

"Man I would never do that to y'all man, y'all like family." He tried to plead but before I could say anything Rell's gun met with his face and his lip started to gush out blood.

"Now like I was saying why would you betray us? You right we was like fam now it's gon hurt to let you go!"

"J man, you gotta listen to me. Terrence was gon kill my family, I couldn't risk my baby momma dying she carrying my seed. I was scared but I know info on him man. That nigga Tez is Terrence's dad and Tiffany and Terrence work for him. Tiffany use her looks to seduce men and then they go and rob the men she sleep with. I swear I wouldn't trade on y'all."

"That's all nice and that info is great but you could of came to me! You chose not to so now you gotta pay."

"Big man take care of him don't kill him just make him feel like he dead and I'll handle him later."

"Alright J. Hit you up later."

Shawn, Rell and I walked out and I still couldn't believe Sam. He was one of my best and he actually could of got promoted but got thing he got caught early.

"Shawn and I about to hit up the new strip club on 9th, you down?"

"Yeah man I'm down."

I needed to get my mind off of things and just relax with my niggas. Smoke a few blunts and let loose. We pulled up to the club and it was packed. We got up to VIP and all the strippers started coming to our section. Shawn and Rell was enjoying them selves but I was cooling it.

"Why you sitting over here looking lonely baby?" One of the strippers whispered in my ear. She had a pink thong with nothing else on, her face was cute but I wasn't here for all of that.

"I'm not lonely my girlfriend is home waiting for me but I'm just here to chill with my niggas."

"I could do things your girl could never."

"Even if you could I would pass."

I got up and told Shawn and Rell I was leaving and walked to the car. When I got in the car I completely forgot I left my phone in the car. I picked it up and seen Nia had called me about 30 mins ago. I called her back hoping she was up.


"Baby, my bad I was with the boys and left my phone in the car. You okay?"

"Yeah, I'm okay? You alright?"

"Yeah I'm fine, I had went to the strip club with Shawn and Rell and I was smoking just to relax my mind when this stripper came over. I told her I wasn't feeling that but she kept pushing so I decided to leave."

"Well maybe if I stripped for you, you wouldn't turn me down."

"Nia come on now I could never turn you down!"

We both laughed as I pulled up to my mom's house. I made sure I had everything and got out the car.

"Hold on Nia."


I walked to the door and put my key in and soon as I walked threw Dave was there aiming his gun.

"Chill out man, it's me but I'm glad you aware! Makes me glad that I can count on you to hold it down."

"J I was a body guard for your father and now I gotta make sure you and your mom cool."

"I feel you Dave. Thanks man."

"Anytime. How's your old man doing anyway?"

"Man to be honest I don't know. He hasn't written or called and I haven't been to visit. Every since he got locked up and passed the business down to me I've been busy tryna make sure everything stay on top."

"I feel you but if you decide to go visit let me know."

"I will Dave."

I walked in my room. Took off my clothes and shoes and got in the bed. I was gonna miss it here but living with Nia would be great. Damn where's my phone.

"Baby? Hello?"


"My bad I had came in the house and was talking to Dave and then got in bed."

"Oh okay. I know he misses your dad they were so close."

"I know it had to hurt him to see him get locked up that's why he's always here for my mom and I but enough of that, how was your day?"

"It was good. I'm really gonna miss Nathan and my mom, we had a great night. My mom was talking to me about us using protection and kids."

"I wouldn't mind having a kid around I can provide for mine."

"Jayden I'm too young to be pushing out babies."

"Yeah yeah whatever you say."

"Well I'm sleepy."

"Me too, good night baby."

"Good night bae, I love you."

"I love you too."

A couple minutes later I heard her snoring and I dosed off a little after.

Those Three WordsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ